Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [coord] [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 And I got interested and you know it wer I was parti very very interested in , in economics .
2 I think , I think Council is accepting this but I think it 's
3 Each new resident and member of staff is given this and they find it very helpful .
4 Erm we 've we 've actually developed social housing really rather as it 's been an opportunity we 've grabbed it and we 've done it , you know , some of it 's been very very good an and nobody 's knocking that but I think it is time that we took stock and actually had a a proper policy and a proper strategy on sa on social housing .
5 On some days when it looks good and I let it dry naturally it goes curly .
6 Matt tried plate-smashing but they said it was n't the local custom and threw us out !
7 erm it 's just a qualifying year , yeah well everybody says that but you know it 's worth
8 I think we can do that and I think it 's important that we do do that .
9 I welcome that and we encourage it .
10 It came free and he threw it at me .
11 I 'm soaking wet and you call it nice and it 's dismal , oh
12 She began to run again , down towards it , jumping from tussock to tussock , and then her hat came loose and she snatched it off , scattering pins as she did so , and ran on , holding it in her hand and every so often bowling it ahead of her like a hoop .
13 I have grown one and I twist it at the ends ( the moustache too ) . ’
14 The door slammed shut and he bolted it .
15 It looked like a woman , but he never imagined that it could be his wife until she came close and he saw it was Tess .
16 You have two options , you either accept that or you reject it , and send back to the people involved saying this is not completed .
17 But your chest is , is sounding clear and I expect it 's management of the hernia that 's going
18 A complaint from George er in the pre-packs this morning , reference er going through the U V A. Apparently , I do n't understand this but he says it 's wearing out erm belts at a cost of a hundred and forty a pair every fortnight .
19 And now he 's , they 've got one and I think it was about five hundred pounds , they bought this one s but they managed to sell the other one for about a hundred and fifty they say .
20 Ann I wonder how it it must feel if you hear that and you know it 's a kid involved ?
21 Please do not leave the board mounted OS map on the wall , prop it down by table between cushions — sounds dotty but I hope it will keep it dryer rather than being against damp wall .
22 ‘ It sounds nice and I appreciate it , but if it 's all the same to you , there are a few things I need to catch up on .
23 I know it sounds crackers but we preferred it , " said one of the pit brow lasses who started working at the pit when she was fourteen and finished when the women 's work was abolished after nationalisation .
24 Erm I do n't know what this is serious point actually if if you fancy yourself as one of these so called mums and I think it is a little patronizing the er title of a mums ' army of teachers , if you think that maybe you could do that and you 'd be interested in doing that and you think it 's quite a good idea I 'd be interested in hearing from you , all right ?
25 ‘ He 'll die first and he knows it .
26 I recorded one and he took it home and if Jim had recorded another episode on it I do n't remembering him doing it .
27 He should never forget that and I hope it haunts him forever .
28 So she relayed that and I heard it Well what about the small stuff ?
29 And erm and say I went shopping and I I saw that and I liked it and I thought oh I 'll go in and ask how much it is , he said give us twenty five quid for it , you can have the lot .
30 If you 've got no choice but to get out and walk then you are gon na have to do that , and that 's all very well being a day like today , where it 's not pouring down with rain er , you 're not walking in a pitch black area , but if you do suddenly change that and you put it into those sort of , well that sort of scenario you 'll find it 's very , very , frightening .
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