Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun pl] [subord] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The selection of source material will limit the information which can be processed , and may introduce unnecessary overheads if it does not fit material to be processed well ( Sampson , 1989 ) .
2 The water flows out through the plug hole at the rate of 8 litres per minute and the bath holds 500 litres before it overflows .
3 The government 's Drinking Water Inspectorate suspects that Britain 's 39 water companies may be adopting different standards when it comes to reporting pollution incidents which threaten the safety of domestic supplies .
4 MUCH AS he has been donning the hornrimmed glasses and adopting his Clark Kent persona of late , Curtly Ambrose has few equals when it comes to persuading a cricket ball to move faster than a speeding bullet or leap tall batsmen in a single bound .
5 To accomplish this , the spirit has to wander old cemeteries until it finds a human skull , put it on its head and then turn to the North Star .
6 The court may include such directions as it sees fit in an order pending appeal .
7 The risk is of so angering China that business confidence collapses , emigration soars and , after 1997 , Peking demolishes democratic structures as it sees fit .
8 The Commission has many allies when it argues that enlarging the Community will provide the impetus necessary for closer Political integration .
9 Many of them are being forced to turn the crop into cattle feed because Britain has more potatos than it needs .
10 Mind you , getting through defences ai n't that easy : defenders can nick the ball off you by slid-tackling — although this has unpredictable results when it rains .
11 Would n't it be lovely , then , to be able to tell your PC that you want to run a CD ROM based game , and would it please re-configure itself to do the best job , preferably without making you wait five minutes while it re-boots ?
12 A company like Novell , with such tremendous assets , has several choices when it comes to an acquisition .
13 This second component , consisting of K re-ionization and Madelung terms , is important for understanding catalytic processes as it indicates that the local environment about the CO is ionic , even at high precoverages of K.
14 The LVF advantage at the shortest duration implies that the right hemisphere may recognise genuine words when it sees them , even though it can not necessarily identify them , which suggests that in this respect the right half of the brain is not inferior to the left .
15 ( 9 ) A licensing board shall make such arrangements as it thinks fit as respects the consideration of applications under this section or any objection made thereto .
16 These rights are called ‘ rights of occupation ’ , and where the leave of the court is necessary the court may make such orders as it thinks just and reasonable having regard to the conduct of the spouses , their needs and financial resources , the needs of the children , and all other circumstances .
17 The court can make such orders as it thinks fit for the enforcement of the duty to submit a statement of affairs and similar duties ( r 7.20 ) .
18 The East Oxford Traffic Scheme has cost nearly £100,000 and is causing more problems than it solves .
19 the prison system has a tendency to create more problems than it receives and has an equal tendency to fail inmates because , out of its survival fear , it tends to respond to corporate threats , real or imaginary , rather than the real problems of inmates .
20 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
21 Now there 's a number of recommendations in the study , and that includes the introduction of a twenty mile an hour speed limit , surely that 's going to cause more problems than it solves ?
22 Nonetheless , two microseconds is a long time compared with many things that happen in and around the atomic nucleus , and the muon has a chance to initiate several fusions before it dies .
23 How is it possible , in a democracy , for a committee of the House of Commons ( the elected representatives of the people ) to find itself prevented from interviewing civil servants when it wishes to do so , or faced with witnesses who refuse to answer questions that are put to them , as was the case when the Commons Select Committee on Defence attempted to investigate the Westland affair in 1986 ?
24 Syntactic change affects simple sentences before it affects the action of superficial rules ; and when transformational rules are affected , the more superficial ones are affected first , the major cyclic ones last .
25 If proceedings are commenced by the wrong originating process , eg by summons rather than by originating application , such a breach of the rules is not necessarily fatal — thecourt may set the proceedings aside or it may allow them to be amended and give such directions as it thinks fit ( Ord 37 , r 5 ) .
26 It will only run native programs when it appears , which even IBM now admits will be probably in 1995 .
27 That benefits all patients because it takes the pressure off out-patient departments .
28 As it stands , this claim raises more problems than it solves .
29 Inevitably the preliminary review presented in this chapter raises more questions than it answers .
30 Plaunotol probably raises defensive factors since it enhances PG levels in gastric mucosa .
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