Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He used language , the politician 's only weapon , to build a momentum for change sufficient to carry Labour to power on a modernising platform .
2 Paul , who had fallen asleep in front of the TV after making chips , was wakened by 11-month old Keely coughing .
3 The escape , made possible in part by the chemical explosion in Quinn of the Fury , is followed by a series of independent forays in which Quinn seizes a French sloop carrying hides by following it into a secret harbour and pretending he and his men are drunken sailors returning on board , rescues Royalist prisoners from a castle by skulking and climbing , seizes another French ship by disguising the prize vessel under his command as French , and outwits a pirate ship by means of a collision ( rescuing , by the way , a young Contessa who adds a romantic touch to the story ) .
4 He had managed to fall asleep in spite of the lingering taste of the worm-cake in his mouth .
5 Even if she were finally cleared by Nick Morley 's investigation , she would remain guilty by association in the eyes of many racecourse insiders .
6 When Veronica Sive first became interested in photography through a friend 's guidance , she became aware of the basic elements of the new medium .
7 He had a son , Edmund , who became free by patrimony of the Grocers ' Company in 1758 .
8 Also , what space is initially empty , and what would remain empty after stabilization of the blocks , can be directly discovered from the diagram and the imagined snapshots .
9 If two uncontrolled groups prove to be different in some respect , we can only treat this as evidence of a causal relationship if we are convinced that they are not also different in some other important respect , as we shall
10 The EC Commissioner for the Environment , Carlo Ripa di Meana , refused to attend UNCED in protest at the Community 's failure to agree a joint policy programme on the key summit issues and especially a carbon tax [ see p. 38943 for his resignation on becoming Italian Environment Minister ] .
11 The temptation is to see this as part of a general dynamic conditioned by similar wartime experiences , party organisations and social structures ; but historically the areas contrasted strongly , and West Ham lay outside the influence of Morrison 's London Labour Party ( p 29 below ) .
12 The official exchange rate , was henceforth to be adjusted weekly in line with the prevailing market rate .
13 On May 4 a military court in the town of Ouargla , on the northern edge of the Sahara , sentenced to death 13 Islamic radicals found guilty of involvement in the attack on the border post at Guemar in December 1991 [ see p. 38692 ] .
14 She was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility .
15 The PCC has the power to remove practitioners found guilty of misconduct from the Register , and to restore them within the terms of the empowering Act .
16 Machinery was not widely introduced until the latter half of the century , as wages rose due to migration to the towns .
17 SO Sarah Ferguson is deemed unsuitable for life as a Royal it seems to me many of the ‘ real ’ Royals are equally unsuitable .
18 The material taken out of the higher point of the site was deemed unsuitable for use at the lower end .
19 Of those with the required characteristics , we found eight at home in the action samples at six months and six at 12 months .
20 For security reasons it may be better to write ( or use a keyboard ) to avoid being overheard , and for medical doctors who have automated systems , speech is considered unsuitable in front of the patient and others in a hospital ward , and keyboard input is socially unacceptable .
21 The judge found them to be in contempt and committed each to prison for a term of four months .
22 Accession to pre-existing standard form partnership articles has little in common with a freely negotiated agreement between parties with a broad equality of bargaining power .
23 Good figure drawing has little in common with an anatomical diagram , but if you do n't know the basic machinery , your drawings will be unconvincing .
24 Good figure drawing has little in common with an anatomical diagram , but if you do n't know the basic machinery , your drawings will be unconvincing .
25 The pale brand of modern faith which lapses into ‘ easy believism ’ has little in common with the virile attitude of understanding plus commitment which is the biblical notion of faith .
26 There 's a lot of metal in this desktop beast , which has little in common with the run-of-the-mill OEM machines that pass through the What Personal Computer office .
27 They were among four Russian boys who travelled to Westonbirt school near Tetbury to meet two Russian girl orphans , who 'll be educated free of change for a year .
28 At least a dozen pupils were educated free of charge on a promise that fees would be paid when the parents ' situation improved .
29 Hindess ( 1971 ) analysed this in detail for the case of Liverpool , and although the detailed studies of other areas which might support a definite generalisation were not carried out , it seems plausible that a parallel evolution was taking place in other city Labour parties .
30 Members was raised and it was decided to defer this for decision by the A.G.M. as to the merit of the suggestion , and if agreed , whom the Society would wish to make Hon.
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