Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This scheme evokes strong doubts from some area officers and bureaux managers who may not have been among those who carried the vote to accept the plans .
2 I have heard strong arguments from hon. Members on both sides of the House for continuing with the Bill , in the interests of Londoners and in the national interest .
3 This attitude has provoked strong reactions from various gallery holders who have benefited by the system , some of whom accuse Mr Job de Ruiter , the chairman of the Arts Council , of wanting to dictate the taste of the public by forcing on it a type of art it simply does n't want .
4 The use of private contractors to provide services previously provided by local authority staff also provoked strong opposition from local government trade unions ( Ascher 1987 : 220 — 2 ) .
5 Secondly , he should be loved wisely and that involves complete detachment from earthly values ( 112 – 13.138 – 70 ) .
6 Montague [ 1970 ] argued that translation from natural language into a logical notation ( such as predicate calculus ) provides the basis of a semantic theory for that language , and that a precise method of translation could be determined and executed mechanically .
7 I do n't think needy people from other countries should be deprived of treatment , but surely our citizens should come first — especially as they help fund the NHS .
8 Sharif 's candidacy was reported to have received strong backing from some sections of the army , including nine corps commanders , among them Gen. Hamid Gul , known for his links to the fundamentalist religious party , the Jamaat-i-Islami , which was also one of Sharif 's most committed allies .
9 The meeting , convened at the initiative of US President Bush following his appeal in May for an end to nuclear proliferation in the Middle East [ see p. 38217 ] , was reported to have received strong backing from French President Mitterrand who launched his own arms control programme in June [ see p. 38314 ] .
10 The spectators from the melon beds howled with enthusiasm , threw things into the air , and hugged each other from sheer excitement as the charge began .
11 By a mysterious logic which was lost on the majority , a retired military officer took command , demanding total obedience from all foreigners in the camp .
12 Revisionist work points to an understanding which , while drawing specific features from each school of thought , supersedes them all .
13 The object of this project is to gather extensive material from Dutch archives on the largely unstudied aspects of Dutch government initiatives to defend and promote Dutch economic primacy in Europe and the wider world in the period 1650-1713 .
14 They are large , and hence the chances of recovering complete specimens from all boreholes is relatively low .
15 By Jan. 3 the Constitutional Council had received 341 appeals from various parties against the results of the Dec. 26 voting , on the grounds of alleged irregularities in 145 different constituencies .
16 As in Nikol'skaia volost , all fifty-nine Poltava cells spent nearly all their time and energy on tax-collecting and expediting administrative directives from higher authorities .
17 I had heard that light from distant galaxies was shifted toward the red end of the spectrum and this was supposed to indicate that the universe was expanding .
18 The other aspects of the package were fundamental to the successful development of a high-performance system , and distinguish this approach from previous applications of quality-of-working-life techniques .
19 That 's what H M I P did they got further information from British Coal they met er on Friday er with their colleagues at the National Rivers Authority and it 's from that greater understanding of the application that H M I P have now said that they are prepared to withdraw their objection subject to the imposition of the conditions at the N R A request .
20 We have received different advice from different people on the scale of the tyres on the driving wheels .
21 Possibly distinguish one-off transactions from regular replacement .
22 We confidently assume that the results set out here will , in their broad principles , be valid for any language ; however , because of the limitless domains that would appear on the horizon if one were to include proper exemplification from other languages , and since there is ample material to consider in English alone , the latter is the basis on which the investigation will proceed .
23 He said that they lacked Bibles and any kind of literature and hopes to arrange some provisions from Christian publishers in surrounding countries .
24 However it is also likely that many ‘ wifely ’ tasks such as teamaking and the bosses ' shopping disappear , and that typists gain some protection from sexual harassment as they increasingly become machine operators , tied to work stations .
25 Many attempted to organize unions to ‘ take wages out of competition ’ , limit the length of the working day and gain some security from arbitrary dismissals based on the whim of an employer .
26 At his own suggestion , he sold fresh chicken from refrigerated vans which travelled through particular routes within a defined area in the Midlands .
27 If you do n't want direct mail from any company there is a surprisingly easy remedy .
28 In Safrane , the engine has been deliberately tuned to favour torque output with the result that it can deliver 115 lb-ft from 1,500 rpm upwards — so producing an extremely flexible power curve .
29 The low spire of this species , with a minutely beaded ornament , and the sharp rib around its outside edge , are features that discriminate this species from other gastropods .
30 The latter initially diverted public attention from social issues .
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