Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] some way [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Royston CAB has come some way towards solving the shelf space problem and the updating costs of holding more than one information system in a bureau .
2 While English law has gone some way to providing a reasons requirement there are still significant gaps .
3 This is precisely what the Union has gone some way to doing with its appointment of Glen Ball , Leighton Davies and John Perkins — respectively Neath manager , Maesteg coach and Pontypool coach — to act as Alan Davies 's go-between with the Welsh First Division clubs .
4 Channel 4 has gone some way to remedying this situation .
5 However , another group working in the US believes it has gone some way to understanding the link between high pressures and the superconducting state .
6 The experimental rig that will be built at the UKAEA 's Harwell base is , ironically , called ACHILLES , The NII agrees that recent work in Canada , West Germany and the United States has gone some way to showing the likely scale of the ballooning effect .
7 France , however , has gone some way to showing that a judicious space programme — based on modest goals and less than the highest technology of the era — need not be excessively costly .
8 and Mr Potter has gone some way to acknowledging that in saying that the circumstances may change .
9 The Minister has gone some way towards allaying those fears by adding the proviso that any money from disposals should be used for the acquisition of further works .
10 In two recent articles in Screen , Steve Neale has gone some way towards extending the theorization of film genre along both general and particular lines .
11 They seemed to go some way towards encapsulating the challenges that the notion of a shift of power to students holds for those immediately Involved .
12 In our opinion this is the main gap in the orthodox account , and one we hope to go some way towards rectifying .
13 So what he 's got to do , erm if he rejects theism , if , on the basis of the diversity of human moral opinion , he has no faith in conscience or any form of moral intuition or any form of religious revelation , he 's got to find some way of arguing that there can be another rational basis for the criticism of moral and social systems .
14 Leland vowed to find some way of preventing such accidents .
15 And I would like to find some way of saying to people who do smoke , for instance , even on the top of buses where it 's now banned , you know , please do n't !
16 In order to take account of this , we are going to need some way of making appeals to notions like ‘ shared presuppositions ’ , 'encyclopedic knowledge' , ‘ intention / purpose in uttering ’ and ‘ experience of previous similar text ’ which we have simply appealed to in an ad hoc way in our discussion so far .
17 It was a great relief that they would no longer have to scheme some way of getting Anna out , at the right moment , while he himself was touring somewhere .
18 Going in the other direction , say from English into Arabic , a translator should try to find some way of conveying the emphasis attached to a fronted predicator .
19 If he was already on his way out , she would simply have to find some way of stopping him , though right at this moment she did n't have a clue just what that would be .
20 I knew she 'd have to find some way of getting over him but I did n't expect anything as drastic as this . ’
21 She would just have to find some way of avoiding physical contact until Dana returned from her trip to Hadrian 's Wall .
22 But she 'd have to find some way of squaring the situation .
23 She would have to find some way of raising the money herself .
24 I 'd have to find some way of talking to her alone .
25 Tolby must have had some way of preventing Hubert from talking .
26 But if I know our Emily , she 'll have found some way of getting out of City Europe .
27 If we can answer this question , we shall have gone some way to understanding the different claims made in the Conservative and Labour manifestos .
28 The initial committee appointed to consider the terms on which to offer William and Mary the Crown , which contained a Whig majority of twenty-eight to twelve , drew up a list of twenty-eight Heads of Grievances which , if all remedied , would have gone some way to satisfying the radicals ' desires .
29 Whilst an extension of the deconcentration of central government might have gone some way towards abating these feelings , it was not considered by the majority to be a sufficient remedy .
30 In Frome , as elsewhere , a large proportion of the population lacked the general state of good health which would have gone some way towards combating these killer diseases .
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