Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] when [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A much quoted observation by one grand old man of German science policy , Professor Heinz Maier Leibnitz , points out that German researchers who have done well in stints in the US tend to stagnate when they return to the German system .
2 It 's not just me any more , me doing what I want to do when I feel like it .
3 It stands to reason when you think about it .
4 It stands to reason when you think about it — after all , we are trained to inter-relate with other actors .
5 of cases , rape is by someone known to the victim , so women are not at risk from every man they happen to encounter when they go for a walk on a dark night .
6 Learning to be content is the great secret of life , for every aspect of our jobs , however boring , can become fulfilling when we work at them wholeheartedly , as serving Christ .
7 ‘ I tend to shower when I go to the gym , but often I have a bath in the evening with my son .
8 Er problems that you can have beset when you go to some places .
9 Nobody 's saying anything , not to my face anyway , but there 's something about the way they move , and the way conversations change tack when I walk into rooms .
10 it it sort of keeps a sort of continuity in it and I mean I do think when we get to the end of the probationary year you 've sort of really learnt all the areas .
11 Owners are allowed to discriminate when they live on the premises and share facilities such as the kitchen and bathroom with the tenants .
12 But I , we 're going to have to discuss when we get to H Two just how you 're going through the process of actually finding a site .
13 Er check locally for claims of environmentally or sustainable tropical hardwood it 's not really , I mean I do look when I go to all these D I Y places to see what they 've got .
14 if , and we 'll see how much space we 've got when we get to your house
15 That will be something I need to discuss when I meet with managers prior to my return to work .
16 And therefore , in the County Council 's erm opinion , the test which I need to adopt when I go to the site again , is to look at it and er simply make a decision as to whether or not in my opinion the land is more properly a part of this built-up area which can not perform a greenbelt function , or is a part of the general extent of greenbelt around there , and therefore by definition performs a greenbelt function .
17 The relationship between k and r is one that can not be guaranteed to hold when we allow for the heterogeneity of capital , as the debate on ‘ 'reswitching ’ has brought out ( see for example Bliss , 1975 , and Harcourt , 1972 ) .
18 Yes I mean that 's the first thing you have to say , you have to think when you look at you keep , anybody who does the whispering
19 My own specialism in Europe is Italy and er believe you me , although Italian politics is a terrific mess , you ca n't help finding when you look at It Italian the Italian scene at the moment , some of the decadence and decay of one party rule in this country .
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