Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] when [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence to show that the former guard captain , Karl-Heinz Becker , 49 , had intended to kill when he fired his pistol at one of the two men fleeing through a checkpoint on 8 April , 1989 .
2 ‘ Yes , I nearly choked laughing when I heard you were doing a breakfast show .
3 Unfortunately it does not seem to carry much weight these days , people only want to trust when it suits them
4 If the horse suddenly starts bucking when we ride it , and we jump off and swat it with a cane ; the horse will remember , but it may remember the wrong thing .
5 Oh , he , he always starts to whinge when I lay him down to do his coat up , he do n't like
6 She starts crying when she sees my expression .
7 He stopped reading when he saw her .
8 He looks offended when I tell him he is perceived as a man 's man .
9 Do you actually stay to listen when they tell you ?
10 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
11 You did n't have to focus some kind of internal microscope , as you seemed to do when I challenged you .
12 He seemed distracted when she asked him about Island Trading 's reliability .
13 Thinking how quiet she 'd gone when he said he was coming up for the funeral and how she 'd seemed to withdraw into herself .
14 Sun is clearly demonstrating to Bill Gates some of the black arts on which the Unix industry has cut its teeth — more of which Microsoft can undoubtedly expect to face when it launches its Windows NT challenge .
15 This would certainly explain why the midwife finally decided to speak when she knew she was close to death .
16 A trumpet arrives offering a million ducats and freedom : I 'm not going to surrender when I know I 'm going to win anyway — or at least get supplies to hang on until something happens to Zacco .
17 She did n't know what she was going to do when she found him , but that did not matter right now .
18 You are more likely to be thinking about other things while you are driving along , like what you are going to do when you reach your destination .
19 Patrick was just about to ask what she was going to do when he felt something cold touch his scalp — and then it was as if his head had caught fire .
20 It was apparently the name they were going to use when he left his wife . ’
21 Yeah , but you 've got to sing when you put it on
22 ISRAELI pilot Isaac Fuchs knew he was going to die when he spoke his last five words .
23 She 's going to die when she sees him .
24 And what a shock you 're going to get when you find his full army there , all but a hundred or two . ’
25 On mentioning the Standard we were regaled with a cry of ‘ There 's one bitch on that paper who I 'm going to top when I see her ! ’
26 Let's leave the mountains wild and dangerous and just make sure we know what we 're going to face when we tackle them , and go fully prepared .
27 I think I knew what was going to happen when I followed you upstairs .
28 The turtle technique is a simple self-control technique children can be taught to use when they feel themselves becoming tense or angry .
29 This is the date England had originally set aside for a friendly against the Republic of Ireland in Dublin but which both Robson and Jack Charlton agreed to abandon when they found themselves paired in the same World Cup group .
30 ‘ Artful ’ because he was very clever at getting what he wanted ; and ‘ Dodger ’ because he was very good at not getting caught when he did something wrong .
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