Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] that i [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 The taxi driver speaks no English and I spend a fraught moment or two wondering whether he has understood that I do n't want to go to Keflavik , but after the shorter tour of Reykjavik we arrive .
2 Well , since God has decreed that I do n't die just yet , I look forward to getting to know you better . ’
3 Not going to school , and having to pretend I did n't live on the island all the time , has meant that I did n't grow up with anybody of my own age ( except Eric , of course , but even he was away for a long time ) , and about the time I was thinking of venturing further afield and getting to know more people Eric went crazy , and things got a bit uncomfortable in the town for a while .
4 I was very open-minded towards drugs then and I would try anything that was going provided that I did n't think it was too dangerous … and I did like to analyse the thing , the substances , through literature .
5 One day I happened to mention that I did n't know one end of a bomb from the other , and wondered out loud what the bomb dump looked like .
6 I happened to mention that I did n't much like my sister 's husband .
7 ‘ I was going to say that I do n't know of anybody who could have killed my uncle . ’
8 I mean maybe soon after you maybe I 'll say look well you know blah blah blah you got you know I like saying that I did n't like kind of bloke but not like she 's such a fucking bitch and all this .
9 Well I 'll have to accept that I do n't know where that came from but I 've got down here state 's interest
10 He probably could have argued that I do n't belong in these clubs either , because I have n't got a soul/funk background .
11 If this were the conclusion to a regular bass assessment , and not a fond peek into the past , I would have to say that I did n't get anywhere playing the VI .
12 I do know that I do n't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement .
13 ‘ Mm , but do remember that I do n't snare easily , wo n't you ? ’
14 ‘ I did say that I did n't want any , ’ Robyn declared coolly .
15 ‘ And just who dares to say that I do n't look after my son properly ?
16 Well when Margaret suggested er doing a project on French polishing , I had to admit that I did n't really know what French polishing was .
17 Well I disagree in as much as I have said that I did n't have a shotgun and ignoring that fact then that I did n't have a shotgun she certainly did not make a lunge at me .
18 So did the Southernwood which was a feathery blue-green plant — that 's another plant I 've never come across since , although I have to confess that I have n't seen many gardens .
19 We stood together in the entrance hall of the theatre where the show is produced , but I have to confess that I did n't recognize him .
20 It is not a sign of high status in a man 's world to be in charge of women only , but I have to confess that I did n't find it unpleasant .
21 I have to say that I did n't see them in their homes prior to their being admitted at all .
22 If I have , e I have to say that I do n't think that the particular version of the inner northern route had its junction with the southern bypass moved to the west .
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