Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] in [noun] when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That was how I got remanded in custody when I was only fifteen .
2 However , he was persuaded to stay in England when he considered that his poor state of health probably would not have allowed him to survive the hardship of a long sea voyage in those days .
3 I do n't think so any rate , so you know bear in mind when you choose your prizes .
4 Many chemicals employed in industry have little therapeutic usefulness but may produce poisoning in man when they are used .
5 If you wo n't water them regularly , they die — even in a fairly miserable , rainy summer — and that 's something you really do have to bear in mind when you 're planning a garden which includes them . "
6 Businessman Norman Weller may have acted in self-defence when he killed a thug but he should have called the police .
7 The possibility of Wimbledon playing Cambridge United in a near-empty stadium is hardly what the Premier League creators would have had in mind when they were formulating their ideas .
8 Certainly it is the Pound of the London years , who had profited from Ford Madox Ford 's pronouncements on diction , that Phyllis Bottome must have had in mind when she wrote :
9 My father , Joseph , had a brother , my uncle Elias , who went to live in America when he was young .
10 They went to live in Glasgow when he was three and his father , who was a solicitor , got taken into his father-in-law 's firm and became a partner when the old man got past it .
11 Neither should he be forced to remain in hospital when he could be treated in the community .
12 If you read his book you will see that what he seems to have had in mind when he coined the phrase about man being " an invention of recent date and one perhaps nearing its end " was something like this .
13 The inference which might be drawn from this analysis was that Eliot himself had conceived a homosexual passion for just such a young man and , when the article was reprinted four years after Eliot 's death , it was suggested to be Jean Verdenal , the Frenchman whom Eliot had met in Paris when he was a student there and to whom , after his death in the First World War , he dedicated Prufrock and Other Observations .
14 Maggie thought of John McNair whom Laura had met in Glasgow when she 'd gone to work there , when she 'd decided she wanted to leave home and broaden her horizons .
15 Right so the function you 've got in brackets when you differentiate it it
16 It was n't what Peter had had in mind when he had thought of the picnic .
17 The local authority appealed against the orders and sought an interim care order on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had erred in law when they had made the order preventing the parents from having contact with each other as contact between adults was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibilities towards his child and thus fell outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; ( 2 ) there had been no application for a section 8 order and before exercising powers under section 10(1) ( b ) of the Act of 1989 the justices should have invited the parties to make representations , and the failure to do so was a material irregularity ; ( 3 ) the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact and there were grounds for believing that the children would suffer harm , had been plainly wrong in refusing to make the interim care order in respect of both children in that they had failed to have regard to the facts that both parents had colluded over injuries to D. , the mother had lied when she had stated that there had been no contact with the father , the father had been in breach of a bail order there had been a violent incident on 23 November 1991 which had involved both parents , the mother had refused to be accommodated with the children in a mother and baby home , and the mother had changed her mind about the adoption of R. ; and ( 4 ) in all the circumstances the order which would have been in the best interests of the children and which the justices should have made was an interim care order .
18 Sustad is phlegmatic and observes the irony that Bettembourg had remained in Chamonix when he had intended accompanying the expedition .
19 I thought things had changed in Sweden when I was able to use the same team in successive games for the first time in six years .
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