Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] she [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Members of a Cardiff ladies ' rowing club tried to pull her out of the mud , but found the current was too fast , and the bitch ( yes , she is called Eric ! ) , too heavy .
2 Poppy dissolved into a quivering heap when staff tried to lead her out of the cage , so they suggested that I tried .
3 Najma 's family tried to talk her out of a singing career as not quite suitable for a good Muslim girl , but she persevered and in 1984 won Britain 's Asian song contest on her first public appearance .
4 And Carolyn Dalzell , 18 , claims her landlord has thrown her out of the house blaming her for the fire .
5 Constanza tried to follow her out of the hotel — as she was very very upset , my grandmother — but Constanza was too late .
6 I understand it was your own stupidity in refusing to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd got her out of the house .
7 That was all , the slightest touch of his fingers on hers , but she was reminded of that other time he had touched her , when he 'd helped her out of the pool , and now , as then , something inside her responded to his touch .
8 Marian I know was Marian Anderson , the black singer , she sang on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday morning in 1939 , it was freezing , they 'd locked her out of the concert hall she had booked .
9 Actually , I 've heard a little about your relationship from my aunt — like the fact that you refused to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd kicked her out of the house . ’
10 You did n't fall in love with someone in the space of a few days , just because you 'd finally succumbed to the lures of sex , or lust , or whatever had overwhelmed her ever since he 'd fished her out of the sea that first night …
11 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
12 But she was n't feeling easy with him now , and as he pushed an easy-chair closer to her couch , and sat down opposite her , she had the uncanniest feeling that he was n't going to let her out of the room until she had told him every last bit of what there was to tell .
13 After two minutes I believe the butcher would have followed her out of the shop had she beckoned him .
14 Hefty young chap like that could have swatted her out of the way with one hand ! ’
15 Lilian was fast asleep again , and Ruth managed to lift her out of the pram without waking her .
16 Of course , you must make sure you protect the baby from a toddler who pinches or slaps or tries to tip her out of the pram when your back is turned .
17 I do n't want to push her out of the house but I just know I 've reached the stage of not being able to cope any more . ’
18 He continued to carry her out of the gate to his carriage , and lifted her up to the seat .
19 He had hustled her out of the kitchen into the boudoir and kissed her on the lips , slipping his arm round her waist .
20 Dinah felt herself trembling ; this was the man who had libelled Paul and herself , had made their early years wretched , had hounded her out of the only world she knew .
21 The year before she had missed some exams because her mother had chucked her out of the house for coming in too late at night .
22 The preacherman had hauled her out of the Feelgood and battered her face against the road .
23 He had taken her out one day , her and Mama , and when he had handed her out of the big Daimler , her papa 's pride , he had slipped a note into her hand , inviting her to meet him when his duties were over , and go out with him — perhaps for a ride on the Brooklyn Ferry .
24 None of this was his business , despite the fact that he had helped her out of a rather … tricky situation .
25 The pub had drawn her out of the cold and fog into warmth .
26 You just said we had to leave her out of the conversation ! ’
27 The next thing she knew , Miss Hardbroom had pulled her out of the pocket and plonked her unceremoniously into a high-sided glass jar .
28 One of the monstrous hounds had followed her out of the main house and now pressed close to her legs .
29 ‘ This would not have happened with Mr Chatto or Mr Windus , ’ said the female novelist , as Penelope at last managed to get her out of the building .
30 Still — she could n't help but give a little chuckle as she watched one small boy in calipers crossing the dance floor at an amazingly fast clip , hotly pursued by a red-faced Candy — the children had somehow managed to drag her out of the fog of misery that had enveloped her with Adam 's leaving .
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