Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] they [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The thought that they might already be pursued made them hasten their pace .
2 While most perks are a benefit for existing shareholders , P&O has used them to boost its share register .
3 When I ran the Alliance of Small Firms , we had regular visitors every year sponsored by the Government of Korea , who wined and dined small business men and tried to persuade them to take their work to Korea to be done .
4 We did not reckon on greedy Labour authorities utilising the change to conceal vast increases in public expenditure that they forced on to thousands of unsuspecting electors in our communities , to try to persuade them to change their allegiance from the Conservative party to Labour .
5 The threat to public library services in recent years from declining budgets in the broad area of public services has spurred them to increase their clientele , and convert more non-users to users .
6 There is no suggestion that Chief Whip Mr Ryder or his Whips Office colleagues were guilty of this particular brutish behaviour , but many other Euro rebels complained that they were mercilessly browbeaten to make them withdraw their opposition .
7 All three councils have considered scrapping them to cut their spending in line with Government guidelines .
8 The added danger is that turning east instead of west will take a lost party deep into the wild region and away from help , with no prominent features on the hill to help make them realise their error .
9 Now detectives in the Irish Republic are reported as saying that members of the gang that kidnapped Nairac , have offered to help them find his body in return for immunity from prosecution .
10 They were accused of making unwarranted demands for £10 per week from the two restaurant owners in South Belfast and attempting to stop them running their business by using force and making threats or demands .
11 I 'd like to say they relax our agreement ,
12 They say things like David 's sexy legs are going to stop them passing their Chemistry ‘ A ’ Level , ’ she says .
13 Conductive education , combines forced manipulation of their limbs with music and teaching to help them overcome their problem .
14 A prime function of nurses is to support optimum levels of wellness and function in elderly people , and community nurses , who are increasingly undertaking health screening for this client group , are ideally placed encourage them to maintain their level of wellness , and to offer or organise support when necessary .
15 The Corpo di Truppe Volontarie ( CTV ) had taken part in the occupation of Malaga , on the south coast , in the first half of February , but Franco had refused to allow them to continue their advance eastwards , towards Valencia .
16 Having observed them give their evidence I am satisfied that they are not in any way seeking to deceive the court or to persuade the court that Mr. Winterbone was better or worse than they have said that he was .
17 The fact that subjects answered all questions for each stimulus may have caused them to restrict their interpretation of individual tasks such that there was no overlap between tasks .
18 I think one can put forward fairly persuasive arguments that there are no life forms a good deal more advanced than ourselves in our galaxy , simply because I believe that social and environmental and sort of curiosity value factors would have led them to reveal their presence in various ways .
19 I mean do they get your name and address and everything ?
20 I did know they let her home , I did n't know she had her breast off though
21 A short scene played out between four farmers and the railway engineer ( teacher in role ) , who tries to persuade them to sell their land to the railway company .
22 Their kindness is out of this world and I do hope they win your Gold St*r award .
23 Eventually Phil 's dad had let them borrow his garage .
24 It used to lead lead to Station and er I 've seen these two when I 've been walking around , I 've seen them take their head up and lift me off the ground .
25 Her quietness and unobtrusiveness had made them forget her presence .
26 Encourage the person to speak-when they stop or get stuck , allow them time to think and repeat back to them the last thing they said to help them find their flow .
27 Your plugger should contact all the DJs with whom he or she has a good relationship , trying to persuade them to play your record .
28 Dolly hopped back to the bedroom just in time , for a moment later up came Linda and Ella to say that as Sergeant Joe was out , their mum had asked them to keep her company for a bit .
29 The French and English kings sometimes had to help those who had served them to regain their freedom : in 1444 Sir John Handford , who had been in France for more than twenty years , received 15,000 livres from Henry VI as a contribution towards the purchase of his freedom ; while Jean de Rodemack got a substantial sum towards the payment of his ransom from René d'Anjou , and Georges de la Trémoîlle received a seigneurie in Poitou from Charles VII in lieu of ransom promised but not paid .
30 Such hopes as there may have been — American , French , even Vietminh — of a cease-fire or negotiated settlement lingered on for several months but once the French had begun fighting they presented their case , modestly , that military operations were designed with no thought of reconquest but simply to persuade the Vietminh that they had no hope of victory .
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