Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] in [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 CUMMINS Engine , the U.S. diesel engine maker with a plant in Darlington , claims it should be returning to profit in the first quarter of this year .
2 I want to play in the first competition match and then make sure of my place in the NSW team .
3 of the value of the scholarship and not bother to apply in the first place , but the major scholarship was worth at its maximum a hundred and fifty pounds
4 As part of our continuing review of quality systems , we are completing an evaluation of the way the new system has worked in the first year .
5 2 Answer the questions that the journalist will need to ask in the first paragraph of the release and develop the various points in order of importance .
6 This means that you do n't have to wait for WSP to read all the text on any page and then edit out the unwanted bits , but can tell it exactly what you want read in the first place .
7 Mr Donovan 's mere financial gain will probably make little difference to him and it is debatable whether his name ‘ has been cleared once and for all ’ as it did not need clearing in the first place .
8 Matter of of people who 'd died in the first world war .
9 In the end Leeds could have had 4–5 … if they 'd scored in the first half it could have been 10 ! !
10 Well indeed , and er , having got in , I suppose they proceeded to entertain your father with the music he did n't particularly want to hear in the first place ?
11 Whoever received and processed a buy order would gain both the commission and a client , without having had to prospect in the first place .
12 They begin to appear in the first quarter of the eighteenth century , a remnant of the funerary effigy , though it is not recorded that nobles , apart from those of royal blood , ever had them ( Cromwell and General Monck excepted ) .
13 On Oct. 24 a list was published of 24 banks which had agreed to participate in the first level of syndication of a US$5,000 million loan to the Kuwaiti government .
14 Whatever the government allows in due course by way of contingency arrangements which it intends to permit in the first instance in personal injury cases , it is unlikely to sweep away the need for Legal Aid .
15 This makes it important to use the airbrakes to ensure that you cross the upwind boundary very low as though you were attempting to land in the first part of the field .
16 These days he had trouble recalling the troublesome fragments of his education he had bothered to memorize in the first place ; the names of a few acquaintances were jumbled together with old verb forms and things he thought were childhood haunts turned out to be places he had only just discovered .
17 As we do so , we shall keep in mind the fact that these very same ingredients , at least in some rudimentary form , must have arisen spontaneously on the early Earth , otherwise cumulative selection , and therefore life , would never have got started in the first place .
18 Maybe Ross should never had got married in the first place .
19 The biographical sources for this period are neither detailed nor accurate enough to allow a close analysis of the degree to which the system had become elaborated in the first half of the sixteenth century , but the broader outlines may certainly be perceived and seem to confirm that something like the provisions of the Kanunname were operating by the early years of that century .
20 Dolphin 's Motorola Inc 88110-based Triton SCI Server , which was scheduled to ship in the first quarter of this year , will be kept under wraps for at least another year , the company says .
21 InterBase 3.2 with support for Japanese , including Kanji and Kana , is scheduled to ship in the first half of next year .
22 They should be playing the Beatles or the Rolling Stones , and they should n't be getting married in the first place — modern people did n't .
23 But we do n't need to do any blood tests if you 're fine , you 'll be delighted to hear , having checked in the first place .
24 In the early days the novelty must have outweighed the discomfort , or no one would have travelled in the first charabancs .
25 It does not immediately cure all known cancers — something that no one with a modicum of medical knowledge would have expected in the first place given the different causes and the versatility of cancer — nor is it without undesirable side effects .
26 Since then I have done something I should have done in the first place : found a gap in the rushes only ten yards downstream where I can heave into the fish without pulling them into more weed .
27 So I did what I should have done in the first place , I put the wire hangers and small weights on the edges .
28 ‘ Probably what I should have done in the first place .
29 Which you would have done in the first place , Lowell thought , if you had n't been so sure that Rose was here .
30 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
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