Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] a [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 We played the harmonium and sang together and Dad sometimes gave us money to go to see a picture at the Queen 's Hall .
2 He failed to find a seat at the next general election , but came in for the family borough a few weeks later , and acted as teller against his patron 's impeachment .
3 ‘ So , I propose to position a cordon at the north-western corner of the boundary fence , while you an ’ Pete are tryin' to take out their Control .
4 ‘ But PDAG has organised a seminar at the Copthorne Hotel today and tomorrow to discuss how to transfer their work to the quangos .
5 Thorn Lighting has installed a system at the Chingford Tennis School in Essex .
6 Rachel Karafistan , now 18 , who co-founded the Bare Essentials Youth Theatre , will know soon whether she has won a day at the Olivier theatre , working with actors and directors including Anthony Hopkins , Ian McKellen and Richard Eyre , as part of the Lloyds Bank Theatre Challenge .
7 ‘ It 's incredible that a little league like ours has won a victory at the highest level in the world , ’ says Kip .
8 Lisa Keenan , 17 , from Oxton has won a place at the University of Northumbria , while Lisa Hudson , 18 , from Claughton will study at the Preston-based University of Central Lancashire .
9 A TALENTED North-East teenager has won a place at the prestigious National Youth Theatre .
10 In Brixworth village , just outside Northampton , he has built an aviary at the bottom of the garden .
11 In Brixworth village , just outside Northampton , he has built an aviary at the bottom of the garden .
12 Like so many of the men now rising to leadership in poor countries , he has done a stint at the World Bank , and is regarded as capable .
13 The group 's Snob subsidiary is steadily raising its sales per square foot and management has made a breakthrough at the previously troubled Peter Brown menswear acquisition , which has performed markedly better since June .
14 The Bulgarian government has restarted a reactor at the Kozloduy nuclear plant , which was found to be in a " very poor condition " during an inspection by the International Atomic Energy Authority last year [ see ED nos 48 , 49/50 ] .
15 The Philippines consul in Hawaii has mounted a guard at the mausoleum to make sure the body is not moved without Manila 's approval .
16 Shall we leave it that I will consider making a direction at the next hearing in relation to that figure and the question of any interest thereon but will defer any such er decision until you 've had time to consider it .
17 Bullets bounced off the rock with alarming frequency as he tried to get a look at the situation .
18 He tried to get a post at the British Museum , and was most indignant when it went to George Children , a friend of Davy and thus possessing superior patronage .
19 Several admirable but narrow-banded supporters ' organisations rail and rattle at the iniquity of it all and occasionally they are even permitted to have a say at the distant end of a long table .
20 ‘ I ca n't wait to have a go at the Hun myself . ’
21 Done the Denman outing , and just that Vera wants to have a word at the meeting about next year 's holiday , which is , she 's thinking about Scarborough .
22 by the veins , there 's always an exception to every rule and the exception to that rule in the case of the heart and the lung connection is the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein , you may not get asked anything about this , but just in case you do it 's as well to know , in that instance the flow is reversed , in other words the pulmonary vein takes blood away from the heart and up to the lungs , and the pulmonary artery brings the oxygenated blood back down to the heart from the lungs , if you want to have a look at the diagrams for that and look at it yourself later on , there 's no need for you to get concerned or confused about this at all , there 's no need .
23 But he this was a week and a half ago and he said , give me a couple of weeks , I want to have a look at the figures and the mix and have a think about it and I 'll come back to you .
24 I want to have a look at the
25 Right , we 'll scan there and I want to have a look at the computers in there as well
26 I want to have a look at the .
27 In pr proof terms Chairman , we want to have a go at the District Health Authority and we want to have a go at the Regional Health Authority .
28 In pr proof terms Chairman , we want to have a go at the District Health Authority and we want to have a go at the Regional Health Authority .
29 When I tried to place a bet at the Tote at Cheltenham not long ago , I found myself behind a queue of Irish priests .
30 The operation involved making a hole at the back of the head , another hole in the tummy and re-routing the fluid from the brain down through a tube under the skin .
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