Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] be [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 1982 No. 1676 ) ) regulating the practice on appeal to the Judicial Committee , an appeal from the Court of Appeal of New Zealand can be entertained only if leave to appeal has been granted by that court or if special leave has been granted by Her Majesty in Council .
2 Anyone who wants to continue being invited by any member of the Royal Family deals in silence .
3 The statement on value added has been reported in some cases .
4 I , personally , always tried to avoid being drawn into any kind of union or political affairs , but in the case of the Association I made a slight concession in that I agreed to become Editor of our newsletter , which started out as a news-sheet and eventually grew into a magazine called " Coastlines " , featuring articles , reports from the cutters , poems and competitions .
5 Nevertheless great advances appear to have been made without such theory …
6 They frequently appear to have been written for some private academic argument rather than to inform prospective students .
7 The analyses support the idea that the relocation of farms occurred quite frequently , with a considerable horizon of shifting settlement taking place in the 100 years around AD 700 , for nearly all early Anglo-Saxon settlements appear to have been abandoned during that period .
8 At a time when nursing and health care is subject to much change , both professionally and politically determined , it is a pity that these elections appear to have been organised with little concern for the democratic process .
9 The only occasion upon which they appear to have been considered by this court was in Reg. v. McNiff [ 1986 ] Crim.L.R. 57 , in respect of which we have been helpfully provided with a transcript of the judgment .
10 Thus CPRW believes that genuine planning gain can not be considered to have been achieved in this case .
11 The proposals , supported by the lead banks , are reported to have been sent to all 82 financial institutions for detailed consideration .
12 6.6 Insofar as this Agreement is less restrictive or onerous on the recipient Party in respect of the disclosure or use of any particular information than any undertaking given by the recipient Party prior to the execution of this Agreement in respect of the same information , such information shall to such extent be deemed to have been superseded by this Agreement .
13 So you know what this is a measure of it 's not a measure of anything it does n't mean that one group 's done better than the others it just means that 's the way it 's been measured the work that they 've done has been measured by another group which is n't good or bad it 's just hopefully picking out the important criteria and applying them to the work that we 've done and the notes we 've produced and the way we 've marked other people 's .
14 Magheralin Parish Church plans to buy and stock a 100 acre farm in Uganda and already support has been promised from many sections of the community .
15 The structure and organization of public services do not , at present , foster service developments which match the King 's Fund recommendations , and the need for an overhaul in the way services are organized has been recognized for some years .
16 The video will try to help them understand the misery they cause and what they should do to avoid being tempted down that road .
17 Like Andre Gide , who when young expected people to admire him for the books he would write in the future , Charlie came to love being appreciated in several high streets for his potential .
18 Developments in the reform of children 's services do not appear to have been influenced by this body of knowledge to the same extent as the reforms of ‘ adult services ’ .
19 The final Russian snub , though it does not appear to have been taken as such by the Belorussians , came in January 1921 when the Belorussian SSR was constituted .
20 Unfortunately the only categories included in the criteria for grants which might be exploited by the arts do not appear to have been designed for this purpose .
21 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
22 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
23 A multitude of household effects , iron bars , timbers , glass , bricks , a chimney stack , seemed to have been shaken by some giant hand and strewn any which way .
24 Originally , the Seychelles kestrels nested in holes in the mountain crags but are said to have been ousted from that habitat by barn owls which were introduced to try and control the rat population .
25 If the purpose of damages is to compensate a victim rather than punish the perpetrator , then a successful plaintiff who passes his award to charity can not be said to have been compensated in any way .
26 Sir : The suggestion of Mr Varcoe-Cocks ( letter , 5 October ) that if I win damages for libel and give them to charity I ‘ can not be said to have been compensated in any way ’ is extraordinary .
27 The attempt was said to have been led by former Minister of Territorial Administration Maj. Lamine Diabira ; eight other officers were reported to have been arrested .
28 Up to the middle of the seventeenth century they overran only western Siberia where , for instance , the number of Kets is said to have been reduced by half .
29 Both the branches studied had been influenced by this political directive .
30 For example , health authorities are required to demonstrate that the care of patients and the services they receive have been considered in any project appraisal .
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