Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [noun prp] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone would like to help Nikki with sponsorship for her course , she can be contacted on Belfast 705524 .
2 On the other hand , she reflected , it would fit well with all that she knew of Miss Coldharbour 's habits if she had fed Wheeler with information about Gray which he 'd used to bully Gray with .
3 It was an open secret that following the overthrow of the Shah and throughout the Iran-Iraq war Israel had supplied Iran with weapons to the value of more than $500 million , mainly paid for in oil .
4 Lewis was subsequently convicted on four charges of cocaine trafficking , and at a further hearing on Nov. 6 , 1989 , he testified that he had supplied Barry with crack on " more than one occasion " .
5 A suggestion by the IAEA that China had provided Iraq with equipment for uranium enrichment had been denied by the government on Oct. 8 .
6 Accounts of the Apothecaries show that the Clerk of the Company had provided Miller with £10 for his expenses on this trip to Holland .
7 Needless to say , Tod has neglected to regale Irene with accounts of his new relationships , his invasions , his conquests , his quiet annexations .
8 Substantially lower gas prices , as well as unfavourable currency movements and the elimination of both investment income and tax benefits from past losses conspired to leave Aviva with losses per share of $1.67 , agaist earnings of 10 cents last year .
9 Two groupings , with barely distinguishable names , have covered Teheran with photographs of bearded men and a few fully veiled women .
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