Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [that] this [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Secretary of State has argued that this is nearly a four percent increase .
2 But the discussion here has shown that this is far too limited a conception of the productive process , and a more persuasive picture is of a variety of modes , cross-cutting individuals , classes , other groups and mass market requirements .
3 The company has found that this is more successful than using conventional training , or senior managers .
4 My Lords , it 's a question of cost in the long run , but er the reason that the our British Library will have fewer than the French Library is originally it was planned to have three thousand places , but er further er examination which has really been taken undertaken very , very thoroughly has proved that this is really not necessary .
5 Evidence is now accumulating to suggest that this is only partially true , because there is considerable association with other allergic symptoms .
6 But I would like to say that this is very much , and I think Councillor knows that previous personnel committee , it 's all in the mind , we want former administration and one of the latest tests was the adoption of the National Disability Symbol and encourage them to talk about it .
7 You may by now have learned that this is probably the most expensive way to crash !
8 A crystal monochromator may be used to narrow the line and eliminate unwanted components , but the increase in complexity and the reduction in intensity that are inevitably involved mean that this is only done if very high resolution is required ( see below ) .
9 Individualists and holists can not agree about the reducibility of social theories because they approach the problem from different directions , and at the same time fail to recognise that this is so .
10 Thus , when we are told that everything is ‘ OK ’ we prefer to believe that this is so , although what people say can often contain far deeper and more subtle feelings and personal emotions .
11 For young autograph hunters , it no doubt makes a change from ‘ Best Wishes ’ but one ca n't help thinking that this is rather like Mr Oliver Reed , the thirsty boulevardier , signing off ‘ Sobriety , Oliver Reed ’ .
12 MAFF regard the Dutch use of Article 3(5) as being of dubious legality under Directive 75/268 and have suggested that this is also the actual attitude of the EEC Commission .
13 Many primary tumours also respond to such drugs by initiating apoptosis and , because myc gene activation is so widespread in human tumours , we have suggested that this is also c-Myc-induced .
14 But I ca n't help feeling that this is strictly a US product and that no attempt has been made to localize it for UK or European markets .
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