Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [that] it [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
2 AIDS causing the death of the young has highlighted that it is not only the elderly who wish to make provision against an artificially prolonged end .
3 But I 've come to accept that it 's far more sensitive and vulnerable than my other possessions and it can not be hauled back to the manufacturers at the first sign of malfunction .
4 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
5 The child needs to know that it is not his fault that everyone is so upset and that someone has died and he is not being punished .
6 This chapter has argued that it is not only national population size , composition and behaviour that matter but also their changing patterns across regional and urban systems .
7 Luce Irigaray , for instance , has argued that it is totally reductive to define the feminine as the not-masculine in relation , say , to sexuality .
8 I 'd like to I 'd like to thank the panel for the work which they have done on this very difficult issue and , although the convenor has said that it is perhaps a difficult thing to alter the text of such a document on the floor of the house , I think we also have to point out that this is our only opportunity to comment upon this particular draft which will become a definitive draft if passed by the general assembly today .
9 In addition , experience has shown that it is equally important to make a provisional assessment of factors such as development and staffing costs , and the technical feasibility of pursuing any proposed computer initiatives .
10 The name reflects the fact that the animal 's horns and head resemble the Arabian oryx , but DNA analysis has shown that it is most closely related to the oxen family .
11 Analysis has shown that it is not just the recipe for the pickling solution which affects the colour but , more fundamentally , low levels of alloying elements added to the copper .
12 Experience has shown that it is not enough to train PHCNs for a year and then send to isolated rural clinics .
13 More recent research has shown that it is only some carbohydrate foods which cause this problem , not all of them .
14 Research has shown that it is often the case that a plaintiff 's solicitor either does not have the resources to undertake investigations or is loath to seek out all available reports .
15 I want to suggest that it is ultimately unsatisfactory , both on intellectual and political grounds .
16 He has grasped that it is more profitable to attack the Government for incompetence and negligence than to present it as a systematic and all-too-competent conspiracy against the people .
17 The audit regime has teeth and , through refusing to register some firms and imposing conditions on others , the Institute has demonstrated that it is not afraid to bite .
18 By recording body temperatures throughout the day of groups of well-adjusted shiftworkers , intolerant shiftworkers , and day-workers who had given up shiftwork because they could not tolerate it , Reinberg has demonstrated that it is indeed the best-adjusted group whose circadian rhythm was most immutable .
19 Careful instruction on its use is necessary : the user needs to understand that it is not a miracle cure but that it can provide real if limited help .
20 Governments are expected to meet again here on January 18 to review the past six months , and many , particularly the US , are expected to argue that it is far too soon to be sending Vietnamese back against their will .
21 The Treasury team needs to realise that it is now in competition .
22 ‘ Personally , I am disappointed that The Stock Exchange has indicated that it is not interested in following this route . ’
23 THE conversion of the Bury to Manchester line to Metrolink operations has meant that it is no longer available for conventional locomotives and trains .
24 By preventing ovulation it may ben suppress menstruation — a useful advantage , once the user has realized that it is not a sign of disastrous contraceptive failure .
25 The Inland Revenue has stated that it is not possible to set hard and fast rules to determine whether an ex gratia payment made to an employee who intends to seek further employment will be treated as made in connection with retirement ( p 105 ) .
26 In general these proposals have not been implemented , indeed the government has stated that it is not convinced that it is right to fund litigation out of public funds , other than through the legal aid scheme , where points of law of general importance are involved .
27 Mr Kinnock has learnt that it is more effective to mock the Prime Minister as an anachronism in a brave new world than snarl the word ‘ Thatcherism ’ and present her as the personification of all evil .
28 If we want to show that it is not spurious , we have to demonstrate that there are no plausible prior variables affecting both the variables of interest .
29 The meta-analyses referred to show that it is often different components of the counterregulatory responses that vary between studies .
30 Although the Bcl-2 protein is membrane-associated r7–10 , its subcellular location is controversial : two studies have suggested that it is mainly associated with the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum , whereas another study has suggested that it is mainly located in the inner mitochondrial membrane .
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