Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pers pn] he [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And he knows exactly what his father , and he wants to see him he can go .
2 ‘ If my brother Reg wants to buy them he must come up with the money , but there are a number of interested parties , individuals and consortiums who have expressed a desire to take over the club . ’
3 But , he said yesterday , the love and understanding of a 26-year-old woman he met less than a month ago has convinced him he should remain living life as a man .
4 Hunt said : ‘ He has told me he would drive for Williams for 23 million dollars less than Nigel — and that means nothing . ’
5 ‘ Dean has told him he would do all his running and Dalian decided here was the guy he had waited for throughout his career , ’ said the Villa manager .
6 He has warned me he 'll make me suffer for it .
7 Matron tried to tell him he would need to feed the Bookman properly but the Headmaster did n't seem to care .
8 He 'd told her he 'd come to Dynmouth to help old Canon Flewett .
9 ‘ I felt that if we 'd signed him he could have given us just that little bit extra up front which would have enabled us to win the title .
10 Well if I 'd have got to see him he might have said something , but I do n't like going and saying do you want me again now or owt you know ?
11 But if you 'd said oh well I 'll prepare , what about if I prepare you , oh yes well I 'll have that probably if you 'd got done it he 'd have it because he had to help himself .
12 It was as if that was the only emotion Jack allowed himself , the only time he let down his guard , and she sensed that it was almost involuntary and if he could have prevented it he would have done .
13 But I should think knowing him he 'll know what it 's like .
14 ‘ If he had wanted to find you he would have come himself , ’ she said with a wry look .
15 he 's , he 's funny he does like a front room , so I thought well sod it , I hate picking carpets Jane , so I thought sod it he can pick
16 People keep telling me he should have stopped .
17 ‘ Everyone kept telling him he should win .
18 So yo , so you 're saying that it should have been explained to the man from West Calder that that 's the sort of , er level of charges he 'd had to pay and if he did n't want to pay it he should have taken a different house ?
19 ‘ Yes ; yes , I do grant you he can play that thing . ’
20 If he did see it he must have begun worrying , and maybe it was then that he started feeling sick .
21 Coalition , Baldwin told Chamberlain , ‘ must of course be stamped on ’ ; he went on to say ‘ that if R.M. did approach him he would reply that there was no occasion for a Coalition .
22 He had told her that if she continued to harass him he would call the police .
23 As we talked , I felt that if I had pressed him he would have loaned it to me anyway , but the Land Rover was necessary for the research programme and it would have been irresponsible to put John 's work at risk .
24 She had reminded him he would have to speak to a certain young man in the Blue Boar this evening .
25 He had been a crusader in the north , he had made devout pilgrimage to Jerusalem , a soothsayer had promised him he should die there when his hour came upon him .
26 This was her second-time marriage to Burton , and he had promised her he 'd give up drinking , but he had failed to keep his word , so she left .
27 Sheriff William Reid had told him he could face prison but it would help if the university got its money back .
28 Mrs Wilson had told him he should get out of the house more .
29 The doctors had told him he must take several months off from the exhausting business of running a supremely successful nightclub , for the sake of his health , and looking at him now she could see all too clearly the deeply etched lines on his face , the distinct greyness of his skin .
30 ‘ Apparently Ainley had told them he would try to force-land on a beach just after they flew near some naval ships .
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