Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] if it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because each shaft is slightly thinner , hair starts to feel as if it has less body and volume , ’ says trichologist Philip Kingsley .
2 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
3 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
4 We have tended to speak as if it existed in some obvious and consistent way in higher education , but as some of the above quotations pointed out , the undergraduate curriculum may be influenced by other manifestations of organized knowledge , in particular research and professional practice .
5 I should prefer the headland without it but it 's beginning to look as if it had a right to be there . ’
6 Her ability to be cold and untouchable seemed to have gone as if it had never been .
7 From what Wayne had been able to see of her left eye , it had looked as if it had a couple of drops of blood in it .
8 Even Scouse 's latrine had disappeared as if it had never been there .
9 It was the first physical contact between them for four years , but for just an instant it had seemed as if it had only been yesterday when she had last touched him .
10 Almost all her errors here were regularisations : for example , she read have as if it rhymed with ‘ cave ’ , lose as if it rhymed with ‘ hose ’ , own as if it rhymed with ‘ down ’ , and steak as if it rhymed with ‘ beak ’ .
11 She stared up from the ground , her wings hanging loose as if she no longer had strength to hold them to her body , her left wing seeming bent as if it had once been broken .
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