Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Valley Hotel is ideally situated to appeal to the overnight tourist , mid-week and weekend break markets .
2 As we shall find , they became embroiled in the nationalist struggle .
3 The leader is in good health and , in Maginnis 's opinion , should stay to see through the current phase — at least until the Government agrees to a select committee for Northern Ireland , whether or not there is any devolution .
4 The Headmaster was helping prepare for the grand event and was so confident it would be a success , he had contacted a specialist to come to take the Bookman away when caught .
5 The extent to which management powers over generation were devolved depended on the central triumvirate of Citrine , Self and Hacking , and not on a statutorily entrenched position .
6 Post-production editing is a boon if you are uncertain as to what you will want to include in the final version of the video .
7 Although the differences between the two sides remained too great for there to be any substantial agreement upon the outlined proposals , the Prime Ministers agreed to proceed with the second round of scheduled discussions in Pyongyang ( North Korea ) on Oct. 16-19 .
8 If the child does n't want to go for the first test or even the second test , it is their right . ’
9 I did not want to go into the dark house , where I would spend the evening quietly with old Mrs Fairfax .
10 The adventurers will probably want to go through the usual routine of tipping the earth out of the coffin , smashing it , and suchlike , but then they have the pressing problem of getting out of this room .
11 But he did n't want to go to the bloody thing , not after what they 'd done to the poor old man .
12 ‘ Do you want to go to the giving-out-food woman and say there 's three small hungry people down here ? ’
13 We do n't want to go in the other room and watch the nasties do we ?
14 These I do not repeat here , but my version of Boulestin 's sweet tomato conserve , which I had intended to include in the same book and which is indeed indexed as appearing in it , somehow got away .
15 Consideration should be given to include in the Direct Journal a supplement possibly entitled Health and Safety Direct to the Membership .
16 Are there sufficient staff in the organisation prepared to promote nursing in the local community ?
17 But they also wanted a lift into town and we agreed to go to the Hard Rock Café in Honolulu together that night .
18 The series of which this book is a part was intended to go beyond the conventional textbook by introducing its readers to sources and methods .
19 Since a given project is very rarely repeated , project management is the business of managing variety ; benefits tend to flow from the effective exploitation rather than the reduction thereof .
20 But that 's about all the world 's media , camped outside his house in Park Road in Abingdon , got to see of the retired bank manager .
21 The Government 's immediate choice this week was hardly calculated to appeal to the prime minister .
22 In fact , unreasonable behaviour is often used as a means of getting a quickie divorce where husband and wife both want one but do n't want to wait for the two-year separation period ; and because the age of chivalry is still not dead , men are often willing to let their wives petition for divorce when the fault is fifty-fifty , or even when the women are more to blame .
23 And most people were desperate to get stuff in them days , you know they did n't want to wait till the following week so they tried to get it paid as best they could
24 A similar campaign finance bill ( including the honoraria ban and limitation on outside income ) was passed by the Senate in 1990 but was lost at the end of the congressional session when the two Houses failed to agree upon the final form of the legislation .
25 ‘ Not sure , really , though the little ones tend to go for the easy stuff .
26 MPs who on the whole tend to be rather casual about going to meetings organised for their benefit by pressure groups tend to go to the nuclear forum , because it is always well-structured and organised , and because they can then say to constituents who work in either the nuclear industry or the nuclear supply industry that they have been , and still are , taking an interest in the decisions that affect those particular electors .
27 He confesses his initial involvement to Sutherland , but will not say what happened after the petrol station unless Keifer agrees to go through the same process , starting with the taking of a sleeping draught .
28 He confesses his initial involvement to Sutherland , but will not say what happened after the petrol station unless Keifer agrees to go through the same process , starting with the taking of a sleeping draught .
29 If , whatever a man 's real intention may be , he so conducts himself that a reasonable man would believe that he was assenting to the terms proposed by the other party , and that other party upon that belief enters into a contract with him , the man thus conducting himself would be equally bound as if he had intended to agree to the other party 's terms .
30 Existing tagsets tend to agree about the major word class categorisations but there are often differences in the sub-categorisations used .
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