Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [conj] you [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er you know but you see , conservative won the election and because what they did was , if you went on strike they they paid you off , you got sacked and you just did n't get any money .
2 ‘ I want to know if you ever wrote to him and asked him to meet you . ’
3 It 's just a hobby I really enjoy , journalism is the job I really want to do and you never know drama could come in handy one day !
4 I tried to explain that you either had the vibe or you did n't , it was n't something that I could explain . ’
5 you do n't expect to die but you just cover every
6 I mean , that may have been the right impression , and I do n't want to force you to say more than you want to , or really anything , but I 'd like to know if you still want to write to me , possibly just about books , or if you wanted to —
7 of people unemployed and what are you going to do when you eventually leave college if you get there ?
8 Very very good Ian erm excellent voice , remind the prospect as to why you were gon na be asking and I thought you were very good there erm i in fact you were that good that you were actually offered to contact before you even asked
9 And I 'd like to think that you now start to think , not in terms of , in terms of other hospitals , but to get a coordinated campaign throughout the country on this particular issue .
10 ‘ Small wonder Cora-Beth was beginning to doubt if you really existed . ’
11 If , however , you get elected and you then have to carry out your policies , then of course you face the real world and the you ca n't have your cake and eat it problem .
12 " Now then … in 1959 your husband came to the conclusion , and I am given to understand that you fully agreed , that it would be a sensible step for him to take employment for 15 months with a construction firm in Central America , in order to save the larger part of his salary Nenna protested that she had never exactly thought it sensible , it was the parting of lovers , which must always be senseless , but they 'd both of them thought that David , Panama , would be a wretched place to take small children to .
13 How long will we have to wait before you actually start to see it as a woodland roughly ?
14 Elsewhere the band choose what can only be called a hardcore bubblegum sound and by the time you get to the final furlong , this regularity means the fizz is starting to fade and you dearly want the guitars to twist and shout and sing .
15 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
16 Now you surprise me cos I would have thought cos you always went round holding hands and looked so happy .
17 So it does n't mean to say that you only behave at one end or the other .
18 I do suggest that you never lead the mare in or out without having her on a lungeing cavesson and rope or a bridle with reins … a headcollar and rope is INSUFFICIENT .
19 I 've realised that you neither required nor merited consideration .
20 He would have liked to know that you still came to see me .
21 Now are there from our questions , issues which we 've missed that you just want to touch on before we conclude ?
22 Now , at this you may not have sympathy for that but it 's significant in circles I 've seen that you just do n't that Johnson has bothered to write out exactly how that play should be acted out , he 's trying to stay in control of his plays .
23 I just wonder when Mr asks for other figures from the independent sector what would have happened if the figures that you 've got before you today had actually come from the private sector .
24 When when I 've when I 've gone if you just write about what you think about the lessons .
25 ( Both turned out to be philanthropists , which just goes to show that you never judge a book by its cover . )
26 We are risk averse at the moment because we have suffered as you rightly say er so much from bad debts during the recession .
27 Your probationary period can be reduced to 6 months if you have demonstrated that you fully meet the requirements in terms of performance , conduct , attendance and timekeeping .
28 And this , this other thing as well about erm which is obviously and erm I think what they had in mind was that before you start doing anything radical , before you start having any real land reform at all , you have to ensure that you really have control of that area , he 's had this
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