Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [conj] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Do you want to go and sit in the lounge , Joanna ?
2 On the other hand , I do n't want to go and retire in the country and grow cabbages , in order to prolong my life !
3 She could be heard hawking and coughing in the upstairs bedroom .
4 C There will be certain knowledge and skills that you will need to acquire while working in the surgical ward .
5 Water that has evaporated and condensed in the upper atmosphere , and then falls as rain , should be pure , except for a little carbon dioxide picked up on the way down ( although in fact , these days , it tends also to contain a whole catalogue of pollutants ) .
6 SPECIAL : Regiments of Archers are permitted to skirmish as described in the rules for skirmishing in the Warhammer rulebook .
7 So that little old ladies who are , decide , or old gentlemen for that matter , want to try and live in the community , and then , they stick that on their bill .
8 From the age of about six months , your baby will enjoy splashing and kicking in the bath , as long as you are holding on to her .
9 Artist John Piper , born in 1903 , has seen and participated in the major artistic movements and events of this century .
10 History has shown that investing in the stock market during times of economic recovery has proved rewarding for investors who are looking for a good return over the longer term .
11 Experience has shown that increases in the cost of newspapers , magazines or books leads to a reduction in sales .
12 Taking a cue from Robert Indiana 's emblemised letterings of the 1960s , Matt Mullican has over the years built a rich vocabulary of geometric symbols which he has used and re-used in a variety of formats .
13 Most of the objective data on acupuncture analgesia have been obtained with electroacupuncture rather than dry needling as described in the reference that Lewis cites ; therefore we prefer electroacupuncture .
14 Palmerston tried to ensure that attachés in the missions to the German courts should at least be able to read German script ; and in the 1840s and 1850s there were efforts to send students of oriental languages from Oxford and Cambridge to Constantinople , where they were to form a new class of oriental secretaries and replace the Greek and Levantine dragomans who had for decades acted as translators and interpreters there .
15 Children came to laugh at the animals as they rocked autistically or broke into tantrums ; creatures accustomed to marking out miles of territory in a single day were now constrained to prowl and circle in a few narrow yards .
16 He raises large issues : how much does one need to know to understand and engage in the dialogues within society , and between past and present , on the simplest level of knowing what is being talked about ?
17 The movement ‘ to the people ’ in 1874 , when they tried to live and work in the villages of Russia to spread the word and arouse revolution , was heroic but quixotic .
18 He has lived and worked in the town ever since .
19 It was on those same rolling fields that the young Cooney first learned the basic skills of hurling , skills that he has nurtured and polished in the subsequent seasons .
20 For Jacob reunion with his brother has begun and ended in the same way .
21 And I 'm going to talk about , and make do and mend in the second world war .
22 Every Saturday night the other farm workers from the surrounding area used to go to drink and dance in the market town two or three miles away .
23 They were made to stand and wait in the first of these .
24 Editor , — The BMJ is to be congratulated on highlighting the difficulty doctors have when they seek to train and work in the hospital service on a less than full time basis — a reasonable aspiration when you realise that the average working week for people other than doctors is 37.5 hours yet for doctors half time can be in excess of 40 hours .
25 As the light flickered across its surface , the already uncomfortably organic-looking reliefs seemed to writhe and slither in an even more lifelike fashion .
26 It is also worth noting that dealing need not actually take place ; the minimum requirement is merely that the insider had reasonable cause to believe that dealing in the relevant shares would take place .
27 Consequently , and inevitably , all junior officers were drafted there to do their stint in the overcrowded , overheated and noisy halls of the new airport which seemed to expand and change in a bewildering chaos of new cement and plaster board overnight .
28 Quality of service is a concept which needs to be recognised and implemented by businesses who hope to survive and grow in the years that lie ahead .
29 It Germanised the few Polish street , town and place names , undertook propagandist ‘ research work ’ on historical subjects , supervised the Germanising of family names among those Poles who decided to take the plunge into German identity , took down Polish-language warning notices about venereal diseases from public toilets and instituted a system of bonuses for all teachers and civil servants prepared to move and settle in the eastern provinces .
30 Somewhere beyond , on the forecourt perhaps , orange flame seemed to splutter and flare in the darkness .
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