Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] [conj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You goin' to come in and talk to me after you 've eaten ? ’
2 Officers are expected to go out and talk to the people who do the work rather than confine their questioning to top people in headquarters .
3 ‘ But after he sat down and thought about it he has come in and apologised to the lads and realised he maybe should not have said it .
4 Pauline has got up and walked to the bathroom .
5 Even Motown has packed up and gone to California .
6 She needs to do more and stick to it .
7 This chapter is a brief distillation of a few of the themes in that book , but really I 'd almost rather you stopped reading now and switched to The Extended Phenotype !
8 I think we have got a bit more confident as the Project has gone on and said to them : well really , you ought not to be buying this .
9 I want to stay up and talk to Liz … ’
10 On the rare occasions when we went away for a fortnight — to my grandfather 's dank cottage on the Welsh border , land of the slate grey sky — I could hardly wait to get back and listen to the two-weeks ' worth of messages crammed on my answering machine .
11 I am just a very confused mortal who has to get up and go to work driving a taxi in the morning .
12 It is after Zacchaeus has stood up and said to God , ‘ Listen , sir !
13 On the day I moved in my Mother had warned me not to let him rule my life like he 'd ruled my Father 's , but it never occurred to me to disobey him and seemed natural to follow the ‘ week planner ’ he 'd written out and pinned to the notice-board in the kitchen : Monday — Washing Tuesday — Ironing Wednesday — Youth Club etc .
14 At the end of Salvation Street he paused and seemed to hesitate over whether to return to the town or take the road in the direction of Moorgate and the house on stilts .
15 Yes , we had the Labour candidate knocking on our door yesterday and I think John must of been in a right foul mood , cos he he says come in and talk to me
16 Has somebody got to sit here and listen to all this rubbish ?
17 Well , I 'd like to go back and talk to you about the exclusion clauses though , and the purchasing power of the people buying these things .
18 To think they have to be talking to me because I 'm the host of the party , so I 've got to go around and talk to everybody
19 Or of , of mixed age group , let's put it like that , er , I only mention it because things are going to fall over and go to bed , erm , and everyone else stays up again .
20 ‘ I was n't going to stand there and listen to that stuff , ’ explained Cooper graciously .
21 Listen I I 'm going to come back and talk to you in more lengths
22 And he will if you 'd like to come along and speak to him individually afterwards he will tell you something about that .
23 Erm if the Liberals wants they want to stop seventy two point six er million but they seem to do rather than go to seventy three point three which is what they want to reach , what they want to look at originally .
24 ‘ I 'm going to lie down and go to sleep now .
25 One day soon he 's going to wake up and say to himself-I hate her .
26 But between plays and poems odd new characters do begin monologuing away and asking to be written down .
27 The alarm may go off at the wrong times and this can be very irritating but the fault can be capitalized on and the child encouraged to get up and go to the lavatory anyway .
28 People are reportedly being told to pack up and move to California or face having no job to go to .
29 ‘ I 've got to get backstage and talk to those guys . ’
30 I wonder if anybody would like to ring in and talk to you ?
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