Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] [adv] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The board of the vendor company also has a duty to deal fairly between all shareholders of the same class , although it does not need to treat them exactly the same if there are particular reasons for different treatment , as in the case of regulatory or exchange control requirements applying to overseas shareholders .
2 Perhaps God in his wisdom has told us only a little about the nature and personhood of Satan so that we are not tempted to dwell on him with morbid fascination .
3 Now she was lost , every cell , every fibre of her body alive with the memory of his possession , aching to re-experience what only a few hours , a few minutes ago she 'd sworn to deny them both .
4 Juliet felt quite pleased about this ; the girl was her own age , twenty , and , although she 'd seen her only a few times , she felt drawn to her cheerful , intelligent personality .
5 And she did n't really tell me , it was just that I guessed , I 'd seen them quite a few times , mooning about , and I asked her if she was going to marry him .
6 He 'd trusted her ; even when everything seemed to point against her , and although he 'd known her only a few short days , he 'd believed in her .
7 No , I would have done it exactly the same , I would have just hoped that I would have been as lucky as I have been .
8 ‘ Those who have been around for a while and waited on an international chance tend to appreciate it all the more when one arrives , ’ he said .
9 Some patients want no further contact with the would-be therapist after the initial assessment , or agree to see him only a few times .
10 Cobalt said to her : ‘ I should think the Post could afford to pay to keep you here a few more days . ’
11 If she had made it just a few feet further she would have found safety in the homely atmosphere of the estate where she lives with her family .
12 Life as the artists had known it only a few weeks earlier no longer existed .
13 ‘ If you 've infected me already a few more minutes wo n't make much difference , ’ then grunted with laughter when she hit him .
14 It had taken him only a few moments to discover , from his wife 's tirade , that Hank 's book was not quite so innocent as he had imagined ; however , any book that made so much money was a good book , in his opinion , and he had defended Hank hotly .
15 other guy , you know , he does it in garages , he 's done it quite a few times before on cars he 's had himself , so
16 Well you 've heard her on phone , she 's phoned you quite a few times .
17 ‘ They have to ask her just the same ? ’
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