Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But I suppose if you do n't want to miss the start you could just go straight in . ’
2 This does seem a reasonable argument , and I certainly would not want to lose a therapy which could be of real value to people .
3 We all want to see the dance you can do .
4 Handy ( 1989 ) has developed a model which might serve as the basis for determining the future structure of schools .
5 If you want to paint a cactus you can always go to Kew Gardens , and likewise , I do n't believe you have to go to Africa to paint a lion .
6 The two students who were watching over her told her very sensibly that if she tried to drive the car she 'd probably kill herself .
7 Possibly by the time PP has completed the list you will have grasped the subject ; you may even get it before word ten .
8 In the new year we also expect to launch a forum which will promote information exchange between users and potential users of expert systems .
9 Meanwhile , the US Congress is expected to pass a resolution which could stop the US importing fish from whaling nations .
10 Charities throughout County Durham and North Yorkshire helped buy the machine which will test the hearing of babies and mentally handicapped people .
11 The report mentions one case of a man who tried to sell a plant which would convert rubbish into natural gas , and was only unmasked as a fraud at a late stage when it was shown that his scheme involved a chemically impossible process .
12 Of course , if a museum wants to purchase a work it can ask for donations from banks , industries and other institutions .
13 The 13-goal marksman 's chances of being fit have improved since he started the treatment and his manager Ron Atkinson said : ‘ If he does make it and this machine has done the trick I 'll gladly pay out Pounds 25,000 myself to buy one . ’
14 The term " Unusual Attitudes " is taken to mean that the aircraft has adopted an attitude which could result in either a stall , spin or spiral dive .
15 But when , when the adjudication officer has made a decision he will then allow or disallow .
16 Having done this , after carefully considering his actions , he has made a statement which may well become the accepted ethic of Lakeland/British climbing .
17 Yet Souleymane Cisse has made a movie anyone can enjoy .
18 It should be seen for what it was , and especially by those who feel like regretting its erasure , and alleging that its replacement has made an environment which may be even worse — of tower blocks filled with heroin and despair .
19 One man is being questioned , and police want to trace a driver who may have dropped off three men in the area before the attack happened .
20 David Crystal has produced a work which ought to be particularly well suited to our purpose .
21 Now , the EC has produced a Directive which will mean that , if nutrition information is given , it is presented in a standard way on all food labels .
22 There is no totally ‘ green ’ energy source and if we want to help the environment we must be sparing with what we use and campaign for renewable energy sources — like wind , wave and solar power — to be invested in and taken more seriously .
23 ‘ He has got a voice I would recognise again , ’ said Hunt laconically .
24 ‘ Let's pretend our train has got 25 loads on it , let's pretend British Rail has got a locomotive which can actually pull 25 loads over Shap Fell and let's assume it is 100 per cent full , ’ he continued .
25 ‘ I 've come to discuss a deal I 'd like to do with you , ’ he said .
26 The US Ambassador to Britain has told a mother he wo n't send American pilots to the friendly fire inquest in Oxford .
27 The judge has told the jury he will consider a manlaughter verdict against one of the men .
28 This takes on an added significance when it is remembered that geriatrics and the terminally ill are regarded as the failures of the health service and are often consigned to the young and inexperienced who , as one doctor recently put it , ‘ do strive very officiously to keep people alive because they are interested scientifically and they want to use every method they can as part of their training ’ .
29 We want to build a line which will connect Seatown with the big cities .
30 Conservative MP Peter Ainsworth has introduced a bill which would make it compulsory for farmers to notify the planning authority of any plans to destroy hedgerows .
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