Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The way he goes crunching into tackles makes me so glad I play with him and not against him .
2 SCOTVEC has written to colleges reminding them of the availability of a devolved system of assessment for awards for which only one college provides the course .
3 Duck , for example , at the end of his career had come to specialize in poems praising his patrons .
4 Now the emphasis has shifted to efforts to help them spend more .
5 Australian War Memorial has called for tenders to purchase its B-25J Mitchell bomber , VH-XXV .
6 There is no agreed definition of intelligence although a century of experience has accumulated in attempts to measure it ( Friedman et al . ,
7 Sometimes you chuck summat away by accident and then you have to go looking in bins to find it .
8 The larvae of the cicadas that sit shrilling on trees spend their lives below ground sucking sap from roots .
9 ‘ We would also like to appeal for funds to help us finance this event .
10 Generally dealing managers have had to bargain with journalists to keep their firms ' names out of the national press .
11 At best , I would only see ‘ my ’ mink once every five or six hours , when she would emerge to hunt for eels to feed her growing family .
12 ‘ We 'll have to look for hours to find our spaceship . ’
13 Mr Boesky , who agreed to co-operate with prosecutors following his arrest in 1986 , was largely responsible for the conviction of former junk bond king Michael Milken , currently appealing against a 10-year jail term .
14 no he does n't seem bothered about electrics does he ? erm tapes and things
15 Talented actors usually have to learn to live with critics calling them ‘ the new De Niro ’ .
16 My telephone has not stopped ringing with colleagues accusing me of changing my allegiance and forsaking my birthright .
17 Additional discontent among former contras , who claimed that the government had reneged on promises to give them land , led to armed clashes and to promises from Chamorro to distribute a further 23,000 hectares of land in the south-eastern Boaco and Chontales provinces .
18 Some people had to wait for parents to pick them up .
19 I 've heard of parents shopping their sisters .
20 ‘ I 've heard of men buying their wives jewellery , cars , houses even — but a hotel , just because she happens to like it ? ’
21 Two-year-olds generally cots and , though we had asked for one in advance , we were provided with a single bed which we had to surround with cushions to make it safe .
22 This was not the first time that water had been collected in bulk , but hitherto those who indulged in the practice had generally been powerful bodies , like water or railway companies , who had acted under powers given them by legislation which at the same time made them liable for harm done by its escape .
23 No wonder Adam had seemed at times to hate her , certainly to despise her .
24 Ruth stood shaking with despair and indecision ; I ca n't cope , she thought , I 've gone to pieces like I always do …
25 The girl had gone to police to have her lover arrested for having sex .
26 It was a good system for everyone except the artist , who was frequently offered a low rate for the job , then had his payment deferred , and sometimes had to battle for months to receive anything at all .
27 Although society as a whole was very far from accepting the extremes of revolutionary order and , of course , most of Europe , Britain above all , had fought for years to suppress it , the painfulness of the Church 's early experience of the Revolution helped to keep it profoundly opposed even to the Revolution 's more moderate implications , ones increasingly accepted by European society as a whole .
28 They had listened meekly , shamed by his anger and , like children , trying to think of ways to please him ; but once he had left the billiard room he knew that the feuds would start once more to germinate .
29 In the tank we had to get in huddles to keep us warm .
30 You know like for example if I said come on chaps thank you , erm what you 're actually doing then is confessing to me that you have n't finish off Chapter ten questions .
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