Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] [pron] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The team played better but failed to profit from their many spells of domination .
2 The team played better but failed to profit from their many spells of domination .
3 At the moment computer manufacturers and disc drive makers who do not want to invest in their own design are uncertain about whose bandwagon to jump on .
4 Third party test facilities are another option for manufacturers which do not want to invest in their own facilities .
5 And since the rich tend to sit in their own gardens , public parks help redistribute enjoyment towards the poor .
6 In practice , this may mean that old people are exposed to risk in their own homes and that there will be , on occasion , tragic consequences .
7 If you needed a non-urgent operation say a hip replacement or something , and you did n't want to go into your own savings er you know then you 've obviously given away part of your assets .
8 He will prefer to go to his own courts in State A , assuming they have jurisdiction .
9 It had been Campion Price , her father , who , disappointed that his firstborn had not been the male he 'd intended naming after his own father , had insisted she bore the feminine version of that name — Georgina .
10 ‘ I intend to sit by you all night .
11 As a consequence they were ‘ extracted ’ from their culture and failed to communicate to their own people .
12 Cross-talk does not occur — the signals remain confined to their own channel even where many fibres lie bundled together .
13 She was still looking admiringly around when , ‘ I 'm so happy that you agreed to dine with me this evening , ’ Lubor stated warmly .
14 The arrangement ended on 1 January when the Soviet Union ceased trading with its former allies on a convertible rouble basis .
15 Well , Bryony wants to sit in her own chair today , so you sit on your own chair .
16 He has to see with his own eyes that the object he takes to be a rough piece of hemp , destined to choke the life out of him , is in fact a string of priceless pearls .
17 Molly Scrutton was invited to teach at a KFA Training Course in Thorpe and she has taught at our own Rallies in Kent and Essex earlier in the year .
18 It is difficult to reject the view that he was genuinely anxious , first not to appear to profit from his own actions in bringing about the downfall of the Coalition , and second to strengthen the new Government , which he thought , probably mistakenly , that Mckenna would do .
19 He too insisted on drawing a clear line between theology and philosophy ; he accepted Kant 's demolition of any philosophical natural theology , and insisted that theology must be permitted to proceed with its own work without dictation from speculative metaphysics or the imposition upon it of alien concepts and patterns of thought and investigation .
20 Australia can not claim that it is unaware of the uncertainty about the legal status of Indonesia 's assertion of jurisdictional authority in East Timor and the off-shore waters , and has relied upon its own determination of legality .
21 If there is one danger facing Armani , it 's that of becoming trapped in his own stereotype ; when the day finally comes that he tires of the simple suit and sensational jacket , the world may just insist that he keeps on making them .
22 Er I was at Portugal , we had fancied going to America but er my husband 's young brother and his wife want to come with us this year and they 've got two young kids so they felt it was far enough for them .
23 The door of the grocer 's shop was flung open with a ‘ crash ’ and a small rotund figure , angry as a bee that has sat on its own sting , buzzed past the rubber merchant and accosted the sedan-chair operator .
24 When bidding farewell to Porua , I tried to extract from him some word of praise for my activities on behalf of his paper .
25 They would have read about these things happening , but now it has come to their own door it has been greeted with great sadness . ’
26 Now it has come to my own turn and I do n't like it . ’
27 The result is that Dublin has to stand on its own constant , as well as temporary , merits .
28 He had proved that he had not , after all , thrown away his how-to-train manual , despite the fact that only Rambo 's Hall has won for him this season .
29 The book that he has written with his former research student , a linguist and historian , although concentrating on a remote and antique land , is the first full definition of the scope of this new historical science .
30 The moves and countermoves of Republicans and Royalists in two rented Scottish mansions , Castle Gay and Knockraw , are directed by Buchan to one point , the apotheosis of a middle-aged man , Thomas Carlyle Craw , who has risen by his own efforts from a poor background to become the millionaire owner of an influential newspaper group .
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