Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] can not be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No information was available on placental size or other indicators of in utero nutrition , and subnormal prenatal nutrition of those who subsequently became diabetic can not be excluded .
2 ( 7 ) There is no reason why a cash underwritten alternative can not be extended alongside the main offer if the bidder chooses .
3 The Tories say Labour can not be trusted to form the next Government .
4 The reason Jesus used parables can not be to hide the truth from people because this is not the intention of teaching and it seems out of character with what we learn about Jesus elsewhere in the Gospel .
5 ‘ The three-month window means it would be foolish to say we can guarantee supplies can not be infected , ’ the spokesman said .
6 TELEPHONE BOOKINGS can not be accepted except for CREDIT CARD bookings ( booking fee 50p per transaction ) .
7 Nevertheless , the advantages from a correctly administered costing system can not be overemphasised .
8 He suggests that to attribute extra suffering to one particular factor — age , length of unemployment , marital status , etc. — is too crude , as is the emphasis on individual responsibility ; the gross disparities between the numbers of jobs and the numbers of those seeking jobs can not be accounted for in terms of the individual psychological characteristics of the latter , nor can the rapid changes in the former .
9 Until this efficacy has been shown surgery can not be recommended .
10 The statement ended : ‘ It is a sad reflection on the morality involved if thousands of badly needed jobs can not be provided , as proposed factory sites may lead to depreciation of property value in the immediate vicinity .
11 Under EC regulations contaminated eggs can not be banned from the UK nor can eggs be labelled as ‘ imported ’ .
12 With four more rounds to go King can not be caught but he was still disappointed when he spoke afterwards about a race during which victory was snatched from his grasp only a few miles from the finish .
13 For the moment , it means that recently completed properties can not be connected to the sewage system in 43 towns and suburbs .
14 The prospect of providing variety can not be dissociated from a sense of swamping the subject in its alternatives .
15 Suggesting that the long-term viability of BC and its privatisation potential could be put at risk by curbs on open-cast operations , Mr Chance added : ‘ Mining communities can not be saved at the expense of the open-cast industry .
16 Bond enthalpies can not be determined directly by thermochemical methods .
17 Leaving aside publications in parts , which are a special problem , books which should contain advertisements can not be reckoned complete without them , so that , if they have been removed or discarded in a rebinding , the value suffers considerably , even though the text is perfect .
18 Moreover mail delivery can not be guaranteed .
19 If the system has a high inertia , for example , the maximum stepping rate can not be attained instantaneously ; the stepping rate must be gradually increased towards the maximum value so that the motor has sufficient time to accelerate the load inertia .
20 NOTE Osteoporosis can not be cured once it is present , but younger women from the time of the menopause may be able to prevent it from developing through hormone replacement therapy .
21 In other words , implied terms can not be introduced merely because it appears reasonable or equitable to do so .
22 Situations where the cable or tow rope can not be released are now very rare .
23 Indeed , the possibility that he may actually have known Rodrigo can not be ruled out , and offers a tantalizing possibility that we may be reading a first-hand account .
24 Warning — DC Requested users can not be changed when activity is in delete mode
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26 Warning — MDET Requested users can not be changed when activity is in delete mode
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29 Warning — Udet Requested users can not be changed when activity is inhibited
30 It is claimed that the Court of Appeal said that information that came within Goulding J's second category can not be protected by an express clause and that that is the wrong approach .
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