Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] that [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Wh what was it common , I mean you were talking there about people would buy things that they never bought before ?
2 If the landlord starts charging VAT , the tenant should ask the landlord to provide evidence that he validly notified the option to Customs .
3 I have experienced this directly in researching this book and am deeply indebted to many new friends , in areas of science that would have remained foreign to me , for their time and patience in explaining things that I never knew and I hope that we all gained from the experience .
4 Although oxygen is a good oxidising agent ( atom or molecule that accepts electrons from the molecule it oxidises ) , restrictions on the direction of spin of the electrons it accepts means that it usually accepts these one at a time as shown in the following equations :
5 Last Friday , Mr Krenz told parliament that he never enjoyed privileges under the old regime of his mentor , Mr Erich Honecker .
6 Last Friday , Mr Krenz told parliament that he never enjoyed privileges under the old regime of his mentor , Mr Erich Honecker .
7 Last Friday , Mr Krenz told parliament that he never enjoyed privileges under the old regime of his mentor , Mr Erich Honecker .
8 In a more relaxed moment — and there were not many of these Ken told Fenella that he always felt ‘ obliged to go much more out on a limb than most people . ’
9 He also says things that he really does think , things that , again , are usually kept rather quiet .
10 They were all later released after police dropped charges that they illegally imported anabolic steroids into the country .
11 They were all later released after police dropped charges that they illegally imported anabolic steroids into the country .
12 The King assured Baldwin that he never drank before seven in the evening and settled down to listen to the lecture that he knew was coming .
13 She told Harriet that she often met King Edward VII in her dreams and thought of him as a kind of uncle .
14 His public voice was richer in its Southern tones than normal and he was delivering his words in the slow , measured cadences that he normally employed on the floor of the Senate .
15 Many people have exercised their right to buy homes that they previously tenanted from local authorities .
16 Not in the employer-employee sense , but as the man who was able to walk on stage , argue with the director and get his own way without having to have Noel Coward behind him before he would reinstate lines that someone else had cut .
17 Chinese leaders reportedly told Anh that they fully supported the outcome of the congress , which had stressed the maintenance of the party 's hold on political power whilst approving further loosening of its control over the economy .
18 but I mean things that nobody else remembered obviously she remembers or even if she does n't remember she heard it talked of in her childhood
19 Its a mistake , I think , to confuse the gift relationship with mindless material indulgence , for it is only by being given things that anyone ever learns that they have a place in the world .
20 It surprised Frankie that she rarely managed to sing all the words in the correct order .
21 It helps to put things that you already knew back in focus
22 Instead he was provoked , in a letter , into one of the most illuminating and betraying comments that he ever made , on Eliot , Williams and himself :
23 It has been suggested that he is so determined to retain control that he deliberately avoids working with famous directors such as Bertolucci , Cronenberg or Karel Reisz .
24 We 'll debate and these instructions , but there 's always this shortfall , and it 's been going on for far too long , and we still have an increasing number of responsibilities , and I just find it extremely distressing to have to sit here time and time again , to go through doing things that we really know we should n't be .
25 It 's lovely to be busy , doing things that I really enjoy . ’
26 ‘ You know the bad consequence of my laying myself under unnecessary obligation , and you will therefore take care that I only do it for real Friends that I can depend upon , ’ the member of parliament warned .
27 These parts are superbly realised by the cast ; Clive Francis , James Grout , Sarah Badel , Richard Huw and Lucy Scott all giving the sort of lived-in and clearly progressing performances that you rarely find in the same play .
28 The wound was salved a little when Olivier sent word that he too had been accused of ‘ lacking inches ’ in the same role and by the same critic !
29 One was from the Arisleus Vision : ‘ With so much love did Beya embrace Gabricus that she entirely absorbed him in her own nature and dissolved him in inseparable atoms . ’
30 On Jan. 26 a single-paragraph statement by Mandela , dated Jan. 25 and reaffirming support for the ANC 's policy of nationalizing the " mines , banks and monopoly industries " , was released to refute rumours that he now favoured a mixed economy .
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