Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] up [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When the goat was made ready , Loopy Lil helped Dot up onto the little red-painted cart with the empty milk cans clattering on the wooden seat beside her , while Mrs Hollidaye took the leading-rein at the front .
2 The newly enthroned Tsar Nicholas I moved troops up to the Turkish frontier and forced the sultan to sign the Convention of Akkerman ( October 1826 ) , by which the Turks agreed to implement the clauses of the Treaty of Bucharest which recognised the rights of the Romanians and Serbs .
3 The indications between the centre-line and full scale deflection are marked by the inner circle and 4 dots , each representing up to the full scale deflection of 10° each side of the centreline .
4 There is also the implication in the model that , if you successfully prevent entry up till the mature stage of the life-cycle , you will then , subject to the price elasticity of demand , be able to increase prices in the way illustrated in figure 5.3 .
5 British Rail recently put fares up on the affected routes saying customers had to pay for the vast improvements they 'd made .
6 One takes a high level reservoir and if there is more electricity available than the demand requires , then some of that can be used to pump water up into the high level down .
7 Nominated care district judges can : ( a ) transfer cases up to the High Court following transfer from the family proceedings court ; ( b ) consider " appeals " against a justices ' clerk 's refusal to transfer a case ; ( c ) make emergency protection orders in proceedings issued in the county court or transferred up from the family proceedings court ; ( d ) give directions and make uncontested public law orders ; ( e ) make some public law orders in contested cases , eg education supervision orders .
8 Tomorrow night we move away from the Chilean coast and travel 13,500ft up into the Bolivian Andes , where Oxfam is helping the indigenous Indian people who are struggling to make a living now that their mines have closed down and their farmland been destroyed by drought .
9 On the A forty-three in Oxfordshire , just north of Enstone , some temporary traffic lights there are holding drivers up for the resurfacing work that 's going on there — a little bit of extra care should be taken .
10 The old soldiers used to sing a song about him called 'get up to the front Tom Brodie . '
11 Yes , but er I think that erm , before we champion er , or back er people like Mr Yeltsin and say that they rep represent progressive forces , I 'd like to be clear about where those forces see themselves going , because I do n't see nationalism as a progressive force in the er , in the last decade of the twentieth century , I think we need to be concentrating on those people who are trying to build a new international order rather than splitting things up in the Soviet Union in a way which may be catastrophic .
12 There is no guarantee that this money will be available next year so training providers are now scrabbling around trying to work out ways of providing training up to the required standard in six months instead of the full year
13 There is no guarantee that this money will be available next year so training providers are now scrabbling around trying to work out ways of providing training up to the required standard in six months instead of the full year .
14 Once consequence of the highly oscillatory single.step response is the existence of resonance effects at stepping rates up to the natural frequency of rotor oscillation .
15 It is being used simply to speed things up for the general election .
16 No one replied and Julia took Minnie up to the dying woman .
17 Here Cockburn and Dearlove seem more convincing again — at least in terms of their focus on broader tendencies of change , which also seem relevant to the continuing shifts that have taken place up to the late 1980s .
18 Society would like to expand output up to the competitive point B at which social marginal benefit and social marginal cost are equal .
19 The floorboards struck ice up through the unprotected soles of her feet .
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