Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] that [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If her smile was n't quite as enchanting as usual , her vivacity a little bit forced , it went quite unnoticed by the happy , laughing group that returned to the house .
2 Emily thought ruefully of the sumptuous meals she used to eat at Summer Lodge , the tempting courses of meat and fish and then a carefully concocted pudding that melted in the mouth .
3 It was the argument of writers such as Offe ( e.g. 1975b ) that such demands on the state could lead to state policies that conflicted with the other needs of capitalist development .
4 ‘ Shake , Rattle and Roll ’ is a throbbing , sexquake of a song — masses of exciting carnal codes fêted by Joe 's wobbly , shouting voice that stayed in the R&B charts for seven months .
5 It was May 's enthusiasm for pottery , which he communicated by publication , and Bushe-Fox 's perception of its importance for dating deposits that helped towards the artefact-orientated reports so common in that first half of this century .
6 Rainwater gushed around that ‘ face ’ as it opened jaws that yawned with the ferocious , rasping hatred of some monstrous insect .
7 In other words , there was a growth in the use of ‘ framework legislation ’ , with Parliament establishing a general framework for controlling or regulating an area of activity and granting to governmental agencies both rule-making powers to put flesh on the framework or quasi-judicial powers to resolve disputes that arose in the course of implementing these schemes .
8 For a start , the figures exclude transactions that occurred on the last two business days of the month — the very time when pressure on the pound was thought to be most intense .
9 One in particular , the only woman present , was a most untidy eater — dropping meat from her fork and slopping sauce down her tight laced bodice that showed between the lapels of an odd mannish jacket of brown allepeen .
10 An interlinked ethnic tribe , they founded settlements that stretched from the Isles of Arran to Asia Minor ; and between 600BC and 600AD they virtually ran the show on the continent of Europe .
11 Hot rumpy on the beach , with Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster inadvertently heralding the libidinous fury of the rock 'n' roll revolution that lay around the corner .
12 The father was furious that the minister had broken the agreement and brought a law suit for clergy malpractice , alleging incompetence that led to the death of his son .
13 A police patrol vehicle that went to the aid of stranded motorists also got stuck .
14 Four years ago the Saatchi Collection issued a lavish catalogue of much of its contents , a boxed set with the title Art of Our Time which comprised four beautifully illustrated volumes that retailed at the not inconsiderable price of £100 .
15 The spotlight cast shadows that curled on the sculpted sides of the motor launches .
16 There were straggling villages that trailed along the bank with a boat to each house and nets hanging to dry or to be mended .
17 Several times they crossed paths that led into the forest but it was not until another hour had passed and the moon was paling in the light of the false dawn that they were at last among strange scattered rocks like those which strewed the fringe of the forest where they had first entered the Waste .
18 Starting with the first military railway in the Crimea up to our globe trotting bakery that served in the Falklands conflict .
19 Because of the pressures of the Iran-Iraq war , then in its fourth year , the Kurds won concessions that went beyond the 1970 agreement .
20 Nor was Luther tied to the verbal inspiration of Scripture in any way that demanded a strict literalism when interpreting verses that referred to the natural world .
21 Shallow cores show that the pebbly sands and clays that came originally came from the ice-sheet contain shells that lived in the shallower waters of the continental shelf .
22 A mild protest could ignite feelings that burned in the manly chests of the arrogant young .
23 Thus the pattern of current relationships in a nationalized industry may partly reflect events that happened in the past , even the distant past .
24 She made a broth from the bones , using roots that flourished in the summer season , and after a while he had recouped some of his strength .
25 At the same time , Priscillian made an active attempt to acquire material that lay outside the province of the Roman Church .
26 Woolley led them down in a mock attack , the arrowhead formation swooping in a long , curling dive that went under the Frenchman 's tail and zoomed up and levelled out , back on patrol .
27 The dilemma of which he spoke was felt by filmmakers as they sought to make films that dealt with the pressing contemporary issues , at a time when the initiative in world affairs had passed decisively to the Americans .
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