Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [subord] [pron] 've [verb] " in BNC.

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1 he said oh do n't want speakers cos I 've got them there
2 I invariably gain weight if I 've eaten rice the evening before because it retains water and is often served with spicy food which is dehydrating .
3 I 'll let I 'll let you know Monday if I 've got trouble with babysitters .
4 So they , they have that , they , they say they do n't need unions because they 've got a good working relationship .
5 I think he was nonplussed when I did but , after all , I 'm usually given lunch when I 've preached .
6 I especially hate pubs since I 've given up smoking ( the spurning of which addiction went completely unnoticed by our friend Stuart ) .
7 Could do love cos I 've got ta get er Karen 's er card .
8 I 've been to the open-air theatre on the island every year since it opened , and I always tell people that you 've never really seen Shakespeare until you 've seen it on Brownsea .
9 Just wait Tim cos you 've got to wait till you 've got the receiver picked up before you start dialling anything .
10 I 've met women since who 've done it , and seem to be together all right .
11 I do like cooking if I 've got time to do it properly .
12 yeah , I do n't know what I 'm doing actually , cos I 've , I ca n't work Tuesday cos I 've got an exam till five
13 Well , we 've not got consistency when you 've got different rules for Apex , different rules for CAT , different rules for , different rules for the public services .
14 I 'm heading Stateside when I 've done my bit in London .
15 You say that I need to discuss copy when I 've got there if you 've got copy if they 've had full colour before then they will have bromides and separations and things like
16 You say that I need to discuss copy when I 've got there if you 've got copy if they 've had full colour before then they will have bromides and separations and things like
17 It 's such , such a time wasting procedure when you 've got to take things back .
18 They 'll promise you the earth to get you to come across , then treat you like dirt once they 've satisfied their maternal cravings .
19 I was only thinking yesterday when I was getting the thingie licence erm it seems ages since we 've had a one !
20 It seems ages since we 've driven down this road .
21 So in that context the argument would n't arise , therefore any sale of the shares would take place after you 've got hold of the grant and it may be necessary for other reasons like you 've got bills to pay or a mortgage to discharge , whatever the reasons .
22 a blockage yeah it goes right across you , you 've got you 've got catarrh and I 'm thinking you can only have catarrh if you 've got a , you know if you had a real bad cold and or the flu or something but she said it 's all in there .
23 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
24 You 'll have a brilliant time , it 's such a laugh but you ca n't drink , that 's the only thing , you ca n't drink inside , they do n't sell alcohol unless you 've got I D and there 's about four people there that are actually eighteen anyway .
25 I did n't try algicides as I 've heard too many horror stories .
26 Registers will roll until elections are announced and then when elections are announced it will be the closing date for that particular election and polling cards will immediately be issued with massive publicity around them so that people who do n't get polling cards , discover that they 're not on registers and will still have time because they 've qualified by the qualifying date to get themselves entered onto registers within a week of the election taking place .
27 ‘ We 'll have coffee when I 've finished the back . ’
28 Then the words rebounded back to my ears and I heard their sound and their meaning , and the pain came back at that moment , too , and it all made sense , the way a policeman 's knock on the door must make sense when you 've committed a crime .
29 ‘ You ca n't make friends if you 've got fear in your heart , ’ said the Englishman .
30 ‘ I feel sometimes that I ca n't reach Faustina as I 've reached other cats .
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