Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] [noun] into the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My brief is to channel funds from Britain into the Province .
2 Some could easily be found by incorporating screening for AF into the routine health checks on over 75s already carried out by UK general practitioners .
3 FBI agents already have blown up a van similar to the rented vehicle that investigators say carried 1,200lb of explosives into the Trade Centre complex 's underground garage .
4 However , Friedman did not explicitly introduce rationality of expectations into the natural rate hypothesis , and indeed appeared to favour the use of an adaptive expectations model , at least for the US at the time he was writing .
5 So he stood for ten minutes at the window watching soldiers tossing bundles of equipment into the gurg-ling FV 432s parked around the parade ground and feeling the deep contentment of seeing other people working very hard very early in the day .
6 Two nuns lifted cartons of groceries into the back of their new Fiat van .
7 Pausing only to pour buckets of water into the burning dustbins , and to be sick in the basin on the landing , Rainbow races for the nearest pay-phone , to ruin several people 's evenings .
8 I place the rod in the rest and begin to feed pinches of flake into the current in a spot which will carry them under the raft .
9 In order to stop it going out he drew hard on it and exhaled billows of smoke into the car .
10 Some still threw buckets of snow into the small flames that lived .
11 The Senate Ethics Committee opened investigation in November into the conduct of five of its members involved with Keating , the head of a failed thrift [ see above ] .
12 Nuclear explosions produce shock waves which can inject oxides of nitrogen into the stratosphere .
13 Immediately after half-time England poured attack after attack into the left corner , loose-head scrum after loose-head scrum .
14 Tanjug said police fired rockets from helicopters into the crowd and police sprayed automatic weapons fire into the demonstrators ‘ shooting at everything that moved ’ .
15 He threw handfuls of rice into the pan followed by the stock and the sizzle and smell of garlic and spices filled the kitchen .
16 THE LAW COMMISSION 's report on computer hacking is to be published on Tuesday , two months earlier than planned and in time to allow ministers to put proposals for legislation into the Queen 's Speech , should they so wish , writes Mary Fagan .
17 RE needs to sow seeds of doubt into the current widespread acceptability of secularism .
18 Further development takes place after entry into the intermediate host , the infective stag being reached in 17 days .
19 The crackdown started on Jan. 7 when the USSR Defence Ministry ordered divisions of paratroopers into the three Baltic republics , as well as into Armenia , Georgia , Moldavia and parts of the Ukraine , to enforce conscription and round up deserters .
20 He 's understood to have been smuggling cigarettes from Gibraltar into the Spanish Enclave of Ceuto .
21 It was high tide ; the wild , white-crested waves were dashing against the parade , sending clouds of spray into the street .
22 He remembered the dream where he had been riding north with Jinneth into the mountains , and he was sure that something of that figure had been Jenny .
23 And kids mean money — not money like throw-it-away 1986 money , but chronic money : money which goes slice by slice into the mortgage , the pension plan , the life insurance , the repairs to the house ( yes , it 's goodbye rank , noisy little flat and hallo four bedrooms somewhere quieter now that the family 's started ) , school fee plans , nappies , baby clothes , holidays in DIY villas in southern France , and the bigger car to get you , the kids , and their impedimenta to the DIY villa .
24 He was to play the leading role in my plans to breed owls for release into the wild .
25 The money would be spent specifically on projects to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air and into rivers and the Baltic Sea .
26 Houseplants are good for you , according to Californian a laboratory that has been doing research for NASA into the use of plants in space .
27 It is easy enough to programme a computer to direct spacecraft towards a long succession of likely stars , to carry out simple tests to establish whether any of the planets of those stars might be capable of sustaining life , and , when appropriate , to dump consignments of spores into the planet 's atmosphere .
28 Ms Claire Norminton , who will manage the organisation , said last night Tees Valley Tourism had brought £379,000 of business into the area in the last six months and had 5,000 interested holiday contacts on its data base .
29 Claire Norminton , who will manage the organisation , said last night Tees Valley Tourism had brought £379,000 of business into the area in the last six months and had 5,000 interested holiday contacts on its data base .
30 Fold on fold , rising gently from the water-meadows , the foothills receded in softening and paling shades of blue into the west .
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