Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [conj] it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Failure to do so would confirm the fear of those who say that the Government is so hell-bent on pursuing ideology that it ignores the pressing needs of our industrial community in the build-up to 1992 .
2 It continued to lose weight until it caught the attentioin of a neighbour who reported to the RSPCA that winter .
3 you know you stop for twenty minutes , put twenty minutes , and you , you just press return and it throws a map up , a map of part of England
4 A party is regarded as acquiring control if it has the possibility of exercising " decisive influence " on another party in particular by ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets of the other party , or rights which confer decisive influence on the composition , voting or decisions of the other party 's board of directors or of its shareholders ' meetings .
5 It hideously complicated music and it needs a lot of concentration …
6 Fishermen fish yellowfin rather than skipjack or albacore tuna because it commands a higher price — its flesh is white , while skipjack and albacore are a darker , red colour .
7 Mr Nellist joins Isosceles as it plans the flotation of Wellworth , its Northern Irish supermarket chain , and the sale of Herman 's , its American sporting goods chain , to reduce its heavy borrowings .
8 The east could only overthrow colonialism if it formed a separate Colonial International to fight against it ( and , by implication , the working-class form of colonialism in the Communist party ) .
9 In conference with Gerald Gardiner , subsequently Lord Chancellor , who had somewhat late in the day raised his flag as a member of the Labour Party , it was decided that the best course of action was for the Labour Party to be asked to be represented by Gardiner at the Vassall Tribunal and to inform Radcliffe that it had no additional witness to come to him .
10 It moved in the same half — crouched , shambling run as it had the night before , quietly , stealthily , purposefully .
11 The red blood cell can carry oxygen because it contains the protein haemoglobin , muscles can contract because of the proteins , actin and myosin .
12 Sadly the ‘ Parracombe ’ failed in its gallant attempt to reach Malta when it struck a mine off Cap Bon .
13 Birdie Mac in the sweet shop told people that it took a great amount of faith these days to realise that God was fair-minded .
14 Held , dismissing the appeal , that notwithstanding the wording of section 8(2) of the Finance Act 1986 W. Plc. was not a member of the self-regulating organisation Lautro for the purposes of the Act and had no right of appeal to Lautro under the provisions of Lautro 's 1988 Rules ; that Lautro had a duty to act fairly not only to its members but , in appropriate circumstances , to those appointed representatives on which , in accordance with its rules , an intervention notice was to be served ; but that , in determining whether those affected by an intervention notice should be permitted to make representations before the notice was served , Lautro had to balance their interests against the interests of investors pending a full inquiry ; and that , having decided to serve the notice as a matter of urgency , Lautro should not be burdened with the necessity to decide whether time permitted it to receive representations before it served the notice ( post , pp. 575C–G , 576A–C , 577C–D , 579E — 580A , D — 581B , 582E ) .
15 This type of structure is a very inefficient way of filling space because it contains a regular network of empty spaces which run both parallel to , and at right angles to , the puckered lattice layers .
16 Partly because of this facility , knowledge workers are able to communicate directly and informally with the environment 's ‘ original information formulators ’ — and thus receive information before it enters the public domain , if , indeed , it ever subsequently does .
17 It is recommended for publishing students as it gives a useful background to advanced work .
18 That has not prevented assertions that it plays a particularly significant role in trusts .
19 If no sand filter is installed , then for pump-fed filters it should be plumbed in so that it intercepts water before it enters the chamber(s) .
20 A section of the crowd turned events when it attacked the private Catholic chapels of several embassies .
21 This scheme — which was widely adopted by colonial administrations right across the continent — killed two birds with one stone : it both raised money and it produced a large labour force which had previously been occupied with growing food for their families .
22 Such an arrangement combines rigidity with flexibility and in addition to its protective function the cuticle determines the form of the insect , its relative impermeability to water reduces desiccation and it provides a firm basis for the attachment of muscles .
23 Sun discovered Praxsys after it acquired the PC half of Interactive and picked up rights to it .
24 Well , if a brick layer lays bricks why does n't a plumbers lay plums and it said the little boy to his mother .
25 The liquid is now officially called beer but it needs a few days further conditioning in the brewery , to purge some of the rough alcohols , before it is ready to leave for the pub .
26 In particular , he reversed his previous position that Greece would recognize Macedonia if it adopted a prefix to distinguish it from the northern Greek province of Macedonia .
27 It 's called FAXgrabber and it takes the fax and converts it into text which can be edited by any word-processor without the need for re-typing .
28 The Whitbread brewing group was ruffled by stories it would be forced , under US legislation , to sell its US drink importing operations if it continued a trans-Atlantic restaurant build-up .
29 The quotas cover 39 species ; the National Marine Fisheries Service can halt fishing if it finds the catch has reached the quota for the first six months of the year .
30 That was more or less his way of doing things and it cost a lot .
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