Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adv] [conj] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No one asked the matron if she thought the boy might have done this to silence Charley rather than avenge his mother .
2 Since the picture comes between us and the person , false ideas hinder relationships rather than help them .
3 Er but I think you know , you 've got sort of police walking around all the time , erm it can aggravate things rather than calm them .
4 They have read it was proposed and seconded by the Reverends erm Mike and Gethwyn and if there any questions I am sure that they are to answer questions rather than ask them to speak to us .
5 Mr Major , leading a group of Prime Ministers to make the announcement , was aware of the need to engage France rather than antagonize it .
6 Were such a proof to be successfully produced , moreover — in other words if Anselm were shown to be right — then from our point of view such a success would undermine faith rather than establish it .
7 learning to express feelings rather than suppress them through addictive processes .
8 The worst union representatives are those who create problems rather than solve them , who continually find fault with management rather than build on strengths .
9 That 's the title of this lecture : ‘ The History of the Product ’ , and like all good modern lectures — intended simply to garnish knowledge rather than impart it — this one uses visual aids . ’
10 Such a catalogue inevitably tends to describe and characterise artists rather than evaluate them , while interpretation is likely to be left to quotations from the artists .
11 State enterprises had been hoarding goods rather than sell them at unprofitable retail prices , thereby exacerbating shortages in the shops [ see p. 37902 ] .
12 Paktar is co-ordinating a " do-or-drown " protest , in which she and local villagers will risk submersion rather than lose their land .
13 THE Property Exchange , a new company publishing a national directory of people who want to swap homes rather than sell them ( if the properties have different values , one party pays the other the difference ) says that so far most people are looking for smaller homes .
14 I began to dislike Linton rather than pity him .
15 During his next sermon he said he would leave Kidderminster rather than cause them to be guilty of his murder .
16 However , it is also clear that such projections can only inform policymaking rather than dictate it and there remains a need for clear national guidelines on the provision of places at all levels of education .
17 Overcook food rather than undercook it .
18 Darlington Ramblers spokesman Alan Hutchinson , who accused the committee of favouring landowners in rights of way issues , said the suggested change at Cleatlam which would skirt fields rather than cross them would offer inferior views and be longer .
19 Civilian targets in the area have been extensively bombarded , and the military authorities have ignored due process of law , choosing to kill suspects rather than detain them .
20 ‘ I suppose we are right to send you and Jeremy out to get Tristram rather than leave him to take the full consequences ? ’ he said reflectively , as he loaded her and her possessions into his car and took the wheel .
21 In one case — I think it was in Warwickshire — a local authority , on reflection , revised its bid and decided to develop its relationship with housing associations rather than commit its allocation to its own project .
22 A better piece of news for the Government yesterday came from Brussels , where there were indications that German and Spanish EC finance ministers were gradually swinging round to the Government 's view that the social chapter would lose jobs rather than protect them .
23 No , he would lose time rather than gain it , and a horse would be little help to him , for he 'd have to go downstream to the ford .
24 Subcontracting part of the project is likely to lose time rather than gain it .
25 Greenpeace in turn criticized the Commission 's proposals on the grounds that they would give industry a licence to burn waste rather than encourage it to minimize the production of waste .
26 Will this discourage use rather than encourage it ?
27 The condemned person might be well advised to commit suicide rather than await whatever fate the Assassin was designing .
28 These homes were like an unsavoury silo , places to store people rather than house them .
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