Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adv] [conj] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 You 'll have to shuffle people around and give him a room to himself — isolate him .
2 Weir said : ‘ I 'm confident of keeping Alex out and stop him scoring .
3 I leave at 7.30am and by 8am have checked Skipper over and given him a small handful of feed in his manger ( which seems to keep him happy when other horses are fed and means I do n't have to wait an hour for him to digest a full feed ) .
4 Erm Rob and Polly 's mum 's picking Simon up and taking him home and erm , Annette 's picking up most nights Gary 's gon na be home just after four so it 's actually someone to take them home .
5 Gable refused to work further and Metro 's boy-wonder Irving Thalberg had to fly out to the location at Catalina to calm Gable down and persuade him to continue filming .
6 Selim shook hands again and gave him a second look .
7 In various ways the British , French , Italians , the Poles and the Russians all failed when seeking ‘ to buy Hitler off or use him to their own advantage ’ .
8 Now he beckoned Cameron over and shook him formally by the hand .
9 If we ca n't lure Presley here and destroy him before then , we 're history .
10 Why should I throw mine away and leave him with his ? ’
11 Then on 22 July someone rang Roberts anonymously and told him that a lorry-load of aluminium sulphate had been tipped into the water supply .
12 The two guards grabbed Wolfe again and dragged him , on his knees , until he was at Rosten 's feet .
13 Combining the experience of age and the energy of youth might help all of us to understand God better and recognise him in our lives today .
14 Meantime Becky had run to Mrs Beattie and brought back Elspeth and both of them , with the help of a man who was passing , pulled John out and walked him , dripping and stinking of the pond , back to his house and to his bed .
15 And I 'm going to carry Eb upstairs and get him settled .
16 I began to dislike Linton rather than pity him .
17 Why do n't you leave Philip here and collect him when you finish ? ’
18 ‘ I suppose we are right to send you and Jeremy out to get Tristram rather than leave him to take the full consequences ? ’ he said reflectively , as he loaded her and her possessions into his car and took the wheel .
19 I would have to seek Neil out and tell him that his old acquaintance was now , if not necessarily dangerous , at the least some kind of villain , who needed careful watching .
20 We need to admit that for many older churches it takes much longer to change and also that a more traditional style can be helpful to many in finding Christ personally and following him radically .
21 ‘ Should n't we wake John up and tell him ? ’
22 They must carbon-date it and put it under the microscope , and we must examine Aziz carefully and get him to say where he found it .
23 They picked Khotan up and carried him away .
24 Mercy picked Hank up and put him over her shoulder .
25 Then , when the Laird was n't looking , they would dig Joicey up and help him home .
26 He picked Oliver up and held him , weeping , against his chest .
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