Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] him " in BNC.

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1 It would be Kirov 's job to turn those rumours into reality , provide evidence which would damn him forever .
2 ‘ I promised Jos I 'd help him . ’
3 PS I told Nero you 'd meet him at Dover but I should leave your chariot behind he might not understand if you cut him in two , he 's funny that way .
4 The official warns Butch he must tell him the type of ball , and so Butch has another go : ‘ Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta … ’ and he stamps his foot in frustration .
5 Exley , at 30 almost a veteran , but who had had an impressive run in this year 's championships , vowed : ‘ I 'll be back next year and if I meet Eric I 'll beat him . ’
6 JANSHER KHAN narrowly avoided a ban but was fined for the second time in six weeks by the International Squash Players Association yesterday — and lost ranking points which may cost him his world No.1 spot .
7 Ian Salisbury , who played in half the Test matches , returned figures which will haunt him for some time .
8 ‘ Faced with the myriad opportunities for the concealment of fraudulent activities which companies and trusts provide , Parliament has given the Serious Fraud Office the power to call upon a suspected person to come into the open , and to disclose information which may incriminate him .
9 And if he has to pay costs it will ruin him . ’
10 Or maybe he knew that the Mob had files of their own , that Meyer Lansky , the one-time bootlegger and now the gambling mogul , had pictures which could ruin him : Edgar and Clyde , for once unambiguously tangled .
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