Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [verb] [adv] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We urge women to reach out for that help . ’
2 ‘ I hope things go well for all of you , ’ I added ( with uncharacteristic generosity ) , ‘ and thank you for the present .
3 KEVIN Gallacher accused Norwich 's Chris Sutton of upending him with a professional foul and blasted : ‘ I 've seen people sent off for less . ’
4 There was a mini-rebellion about that just after the Police Strike and then they allowed policemen to go in for half an hour 's and eat breakfast .
5 I always shop on Sunday and I just thought that it was nice to see in the paper today it looks like we will have legalized Sunday trading everywhere for all of us fairly soon .
6 On several occasions I witnessed his lordship make attempts to draw M. Dupont aside for some private conversation , only for Mr Lewis smilingly to impose himself upon them with some remark like : ‘ Pardon me , gentlemen , but there 's something that 's been greatly puzzling me , ’ so that his lordship soon found himself having to listen to some more of Mr Lewis 's jovial anecdotes .
7 But it worked out that they spent twenty thousand pounds on letting families go round for these three weeks .
8 But I 'm certain , by doing it this way , we will encourage females to put in for these these posts .
9 VOTING Day came early for some schools in the North-East who went to the polls yesterday in a mock General Election .
10 And I would again ask to have money given specifically for this you know , for this purpose .
11 How could they get women to sign on for such a life ? ’
12 Susie , 41 , has suffered from multiple sclerosis for 20 years and knows from first-hand experience the difficulty in finding facilities geared up for those who actually gain most from regular exercise .
13 As we start afresh to build a new church , we have a heaven sent opportunity to try again for this possibility of godly unity which , if we let it , will be so powerful in persuading the world of the divinity of Jesus .
14 Though modern readers might wish to repay Mr Ruskin 's ‘ hard work ’ recorded in a 1854 entry , with hard labour , the practice of dismembering books went on for many centuries .
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