Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [unc] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Of the remaining 90,000 soldiers in the NVA some 50,000 would join the Bundeswehr of the FRG ( the reduction reflecting Germany 's commitment to reduce its overall troop numbers to 370,000 — see pp. 37659 ; 37829 ) .
2 By Oct. 3 of the remaining 90,000 soldiers in the NVA some 50,000 would join the Bundeswehr of the FRG ( the reduction reflecting Germany 's commitment to reduce its overall troop numbers to 370,000 — see pp. 37659 ) .
3 John Shakespeare was pleased that his oldest son was married , but I do n't think Will 's mother wanted him to marry so young .
4 Ludens had not forgotten Marcus 's words concerning himself and Irina .
5 And City experts expect Germany 's Bundesbank to cut its interest rates early in the New Year .
6 She used Rosalind 's flashlight to take her across the kitchen 's frayed linoleum to the corridor .
7 No one , however , sought neuropsychological consultation or reviewed Lezak 's book describing our methods .
8 Earlier , he dismissed Labour 's invitation to join its inquiry into electoral reform as a ‘ short-term tactical move ’ and delivered his strongest warning yet to his rivals not to underestimate his party 's determination ‘ at every level ’ to hold out for a clear commitment to proportional representation as its price for a coalition deal .
9 Do you know Isobel 's godmother has it ?
10 The adults who occupy Matilda 's world do their best to destroy her .
11 Coutts had considered Virgin 's request to exceed their overdraft by £200,000 over the next seven days .
12 And the triple-A rated EBRD 's charter means it must invest according to conventional banking criteria .
13 Helping her make the choice is her close friend Esther Fritton ( left ) who works in the Pattern Department and invited Irene 's family to join her on an open day tour of the factory .
14 Our offer secures Wheway 's future and I urge Wheway 's board to recommend it . ’
15 Until recently the British Clothing Industry Association subsidised the event , enabling Britain 's designers to show their collections in an international venue .
16 The electoral unpopularity of Tariff Reform might not have been decisive in defeating Chamberlain 's programme had it not been for the fact that the most powerful sections of Britain 's business élite — and in particular the bankers of the City of London — agreed with the voters .
17 The idea of civil disobedience had occurred to Gandhi prior to reading Thoreau 's essay , nevertheless he used Thoreau 's phrase to describe his struggle against the African authorities to English readers .
18 People who visited Saddam 's bunker told me afterwards that it was like an underground city .
19 The sudden freedom from Mortimer 's grip made her stagger slightly , and she grasped Guy 's arm to steady herself , trembling all over with reaction .
20 He used Planck 's ideas to interpret what had proved classically inexplicable in the photoelectric effect .
21 The path widened and flattened as it came out of the Grove and she caught Nick 's hand to make him run faster .
23 ‘ Are you using Fergus 's sacrifice to compel me to take his place ? ’ said Taliesin suddenly .
24 The Community would monitor Hungary 's programme to restructure its economy on more market-oriented lines , and disburse the second and third tranches of the money only if satisfied about progress .
25 The Community would monitor Hungary 's programme to restructure its economy on more market-oriented lines , and disburse the second and third tranches of the money only if satisfied about progress .
26 This version allows IBM AS/400 users to translate their existing applications into C code and migrate them to IBM 's RS6000 .
27 She did n't feel Léonie 's elbow jab hers .
28 Since that part of Wales is of particular interest to the geologist , Giles was very glad indeed to receive Beverley 's invitation to visit him .
29 From a more recent group of theorists whose work has not yet been categorised , I have selected Mintzberg 's work to analyse my own practice : while Fayol 's criteria are apparent in nursing practice , they do not reflect its complexity .
30 ( 11–12 February 1778 ) as if to add insult to injury , Leopold received Mozart 's letter telling him that he had not yet finished his commissions for the Dutchman :
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