Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] that he [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Too little is known about Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi to enable one to decide what is meant by the title , however , and there is no other evidence to indicate either that he held an official post or , if so , that it was anything other than an ad hominem appointment .
2 Although the criteria did not have the status of legal rules , Cox argued nevertheless that he had a legitimate expectation that the Home Secretary would follow them when deciding whether the applicant 's telephone would be intercepted .
3 Each of these was then further subdivided so that he had a total of thirty-eight — each group corresponding to one of the thirty-eight remedies which he subsequently discovered .
4 But Mr Akers reiterated yesterday that he saw no long-term change in economic assumptions or any downturn in demand for the company 's products .
5 The prime minister , Chandra Shekhar , has said repeatedly that he wants a political solution .
6 Dusan Plut , chair of the party , had said earlier that he wished the Greens to " act as a constructive opposition " but later agreed to join the coalition which was led by the outgoing Prime Minister , Janez Drnovsek of the Liberal Democratic Party ( LDS ) .
7 When asked to assess the opposition , manager Lazaroni replied diplomatically that he fears no single Italian player , rather he fears the whole side .
8 However , when one of the assembled men had suggested that they could have used more men , Springfield had assured them their numbers would be quite sufficient for the job in hand , adding enigmatically that he had a few aces up his sleeve which would reduce the odds against them .
9 Wolfgang replied indignantly that he had no time to write because he was so busy : he got up at six , had his hair dressed , and then composed until nine , after which he gave lessons until lunchtime .
10 It turned out that he had a small dredger , an even smaller budget , and a very primitive brand of mowing machine .
11 He stated categorically that he had no doubts that the parents in this case were innocent .
12 The bill 's promoter stated specifically that he has no intention of going on to tackle shooting or angling .
13 He said he was quick to point out that he had no such intention .
14 ‘ I mean — ’ Biff 's tongue was loosening now that he felt the pleasant glow of heat at the back of his skull .
15 A letter appeared in the Independent pointing out that he made a number of grammatical errors .
16 Interviewed , Fred denied her story emphatically , pointing out that he had no authority to make that sort of deal .
17 The sort of affair that would not be tolerated now that he held the stewardship of the Service .
18 But Hank protested firmly that he wanted a dark business suit , three white drip-dry shirts , dark socks and tie , black shoes , a light overcoat and an appropriate hat .
19 We know too that he took a glass from the medicine cupboard in the sick bay . ’
20 He points out that he has no powers to intervene in the laying of a pipeline on part of his farm .
21 You can not , for instance , turn someone into a surfing champion just because he 's at the seaside , but if it turns out that he has a genuine interest in fishing and some skills as a fisherman you can centre pictures and film on that .
22 It turns out that he has a mistress here — I know , hilarious , is n't it ? — one of the ladies from Leicester .
23 It was pointed out that he met the Foreign Office Minister , Douglas Hogg , earlier this month .
24 Firmly clutching her hand he slowed , and Frere arced around them on still skates so that he made a sweeping circle on the ice before they came , breathless , to a halt .
25 I feel that he is really saying not that he sees the cleverness and the artistic quality of the painting or the message in the paintings as might first be assumed , but that he understands what the church is doing , instead of helping the poor , it was showing the pictures to educate them about God .
26 He fancied too that he felt the cold less than they did .
27 He felt acutely that he lacked the authenticity that the popular vote bestows upon a leader .
28 She saw now that he held a clipboard .
29 He said it thoughtfully , as though he might reconsider , but Philip knew then that he had no intention of changing .
30 Paul admitted modestly that he played the pianoforte a little , although he was badly out of practice .
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