Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] we get a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In other words we get consulted so we get a chance to comment on the planning application when it 's made .
2 I ca n't see how we 've had a revue in nineteen eighty-eight which has recommended a very specific course of action , none of which appears to have been implemented , I do n't see how we get a report which describes er , the intention of the county council as maintaining the ethos of the County Farms , whatever that is , as I , I do n't recall any decisions like that , and certainly if we 've made one , I 'd be interested in being party to changing it , I think wha what we have to say is we 've got a lot of land , are we using it to the best interest of the people of Wiltshire , and that is one thing it 's addressing , not a , a way of preserving the County Estates as they are , not a way of keeping a hundred and twenty farmers and their families erm , as tenants of Wiltshire , I mean they 're not gon na be out of jobs are they ?
3 Did n't we get a bit from the FA or whatever to make it a ground for the European Championships ?
4 Do n't we get a stand in ?
5 ‘ Why do n't we get a microwave ?
6 why do n't we get a report on this , I mean he 's more operative , I mean , to consider , the building is worthy of what something or other
7 So have n't we got a phone call yet ?
8 Have n't we got a lance corporal ?
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