Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] and give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Right I 've mentioned questions you 'll notice that we 've got money and retirement mister John from now most of you may have seen the name in various erm very good speaker John you 'll a you 'll appreciate ca n't really say enjoy his talk because he really goes on and gives you a lot of information you 'll appreciate it rather than enjoy it .
2 Sit down and give me the time I need to explain everything to you ? ’
3 I sort of kneel down and give her a touch on the shoulder .
4 If you have n't , then , you ought to phone your local beat officer and get him to come along and give you a survey
5 Finally he got so used to me calling that he asked me to come down and give them a hand fixing it up .
6 Do n't you love your grandmother enough to come downstairs and give her a little goodbye kiss ? ’
7 I certainly advise you to keep asking questions throughout because as I say although they 're speaking in a very very general way the often slip up and give you a particular that you can take advantage and if you lead them on then the more information is available to you .
8 Hurry up and give me a grandchild , I said to her .
9 in village , not far up us and er I were getting round me mum and pulling on her skirts and and this old woman says , get him fed Frances , he wants a bit of pap , get him , get him picked up and give him a bit of pap and that 'll shut him up
10 He drew back and gave her a smile that made her blood thicken .
11 I had the strong impression he might be tempted to come back and give us a bit more front-line colour from the other side of the grave .
12 Her aunt lives there and gave her a room , so as to avoid the strife here .
13 He stood up when she came in and gave her a big friendly smile .
14 But , firms are beginning to open up and give us an opportunity actually to take youngsters in and see what it 's all about .
15 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
16 At this Mum turned round and gave her a dirty look before she moved along with Dad , followed by the rest of us .
17 She felt her face go hot with embarrassment as he straightened up and gave her a piercing look that took in everything about her appearance .
18 Shep got up and gave himself a good stretch .
19 I was so surprised to see Ken , so relieved , that I rushed over and gave him a kiss .
20 Get up and give me a light , and a drink too while you 're at it . "
21 But if you get up and give me a hand
22 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
23 I just tell him to shut up and give him a sharp rap across the knuckles .
24 If she sprang up and gave him a good shaking , every bit of public sympathy would be on his side .
25 Startled , she swung round and gave him a lame smile .
26 Explain to him how you feel and chat to his parents , who may rally round and give you the support he refuses to give you .
27 No one not in the profession would know for sure whether the assassin had accepted or refused the job ; and no one except the contact and , in this case , the client , would know for sure exactly who was responsible for the messy death of Seren Haminh , probably about fifty hours from now , when the hunger would be rising again and giving her a few hours to sleep the first ecstasy off .
28 I suppose we ought to go out and give him a hand really but
29 England 's a fascinating and beautiful country — so why not take off and give yourself a break ?
30 And you know , you know , what 's the point of coming round and giving you a bollocking if nobody 's going to tell you why ?
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