Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] be [adv] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 The best-informed guess from those collecting ‘ yellow card ’ adverse reaction reports has long been that at most only 10 per cent of serious reactions , including death , and considerably less than 1 per cent of mild reactions come to the CSM 's notice .
2 He just disappeared , as if he 'd never been there at all .
3 She had let her overwhelming desire feed her imagination ; had read something into his words , his looks , his actions , which had not been there at all .
4 Perhaps she had not been there at all , in the street , but a phantom instead had taken her place , looking like her , feeling like her inside too , but not her , for she , Rosa , had been in her bed , dreaming .
5 You bozos do n't seem to realise it but if we had n't been there at that Florence Conference , would not be in the leading position it currently holds with the commission to guarantee further funds and to create a positive role for Britain in Europe with the commission to wuk look at the issues that are gon na come up in 1993 .
6 It 's not been away at all .
7 No they have n't been here at all .
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