Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is because here energy levels are often depleted — either she does n't eat properly or she diets in order to keep slim . ’
2 Irene Markham indicated for her to sit down and she perched on the very edge of an upright chair suddenly feeling quite miserable and wishing she had n't come .
3 At the house he invited Rose in but she refused with the excuse that it was too late .
4 There was no time for emotion as the blood was swabbed away and she concentrated on the badly gashed cheekbone .
5 His body stiffened ; there was a change in him , Robyn felt it , knew it and then he drew back and she saw in a fleeting moment his own look of self-disgust .
6 Her elbows had been lashed together and she hung from the ceiling like a snared sparrow .
7 But while they hesitated and debated , Lucy 's strength ebbed away and she fell in a swoon , putting to death a hundred thousand insects beneath her lovely body .
8 And what is more ’ — her voice dropped now and she leant towards Agnes — ‘ I 'm afraid of your father , I mean , for him , what he will do to that … person if he meets him again , for he will certainly do him an injury . ’
9 My , my sister- in-law , she w had to go in just before Christmas , had to rather suddenly she 's was diagnosed in the summer as having diverticulitis and they planned a sort of diet out to keep her really well and she was in terrible pain and they rushed her off for a scan and er she goes privately cos Vernon , I think actually his is BUPA that he 's in , he joined when it first came out and she wrote to me and she said oh I 'm , I just feel so lonely , there 's nobody to talk to , I 've got nobody to see or anything and she felt a bit cos she was n't really that ill
10 This last action nearly caused her to fall off and she lurched to a rather drunken halt at Mildred 's feet .
11 They turned away and she walked up the street , past the baker 's , past the shoemaker 's , and the hat shop , and she rang the bell that was attached to the wall at the side of the door leading into the sweet shop .
12 She had been crying again and her mascara had been washed away and she looked like an eleven-year-old waking up in hospital after an operation .
13 ‘ As soon as she walked through the door all the memories came flooding back and she burst into tears , ’ Rosemary said .
14 Her shoulders shook convulsively and she rolled to her side on the bed , curling up .
15 And when I asked yo and when I said to her , you were in toilet she got up and she ran across there !
16 Desperately she pressed on but she knew with an awful certainty that he would vanish before she got there .
17 In the end it was Rachel who was forced to give in and she swam to the side of the pool , climbed up the steps , and sat on the side watching as David completed several more laps .
18 and she was arched over like this , yeah , and they were getting off and she went for his belt yeah and she was gon na undo his belt and Jules went Laura Laura not now , you know , just do n't undo my belt .
19 A word gets around the famine is over and after the tragic experience of loosing her family , her three men in her life , her husband and her sons , nobody starts to consider the situation again , she 's alone now in a foreign , a strange land , surely the only sensible thing for her to do would be to return to her own people in Bethlehem , they say news comes through that they 've been a succession of good harvest , well of course there was gon na be good harvest , god had n't forsaken his people , although they had sinned , although they had done what was wrong , he had n't forsaken them , gods not in the business for forsaken people , he 's long suffering , he is faithful , he keeps his covenant from one generation to another that he had n't forgotten the people in Bethlehem and he had sent them through and he had provided good harvests those who had remained in Bethlehem during the famine , they 'd only suffered for a short time , perhaps enough time to bring them to their senses , to bring them back to god , now the suffering was forgotten as they revelled in a plentiful supplying in abundant harvests Naomi on the other hand she knows want now , she 's suffering bereavement , she 's suffering poverty , she 's suffering remorse , there 's nothing for her in Noad , there 's no rest , no joy , no provision , nothing that could meet her needs what a pity she had wasted there those ten wasted those ten years , ten long wasted years in her life now she comes to a decision whatever the cost and there is a cost , she 's gon na have to eat humble pie , how are they gon na receive her when she goes back but she comes to that decision that no matter what it costs her , she will go back to the place that was chosen for her by god , her inheritance of him It always to our cost when we under value our inheritance , do you remember the story of Jacob and Aesop and how Aesop despised his birth right , the inheritance that was his , and Illuminarc and Naomi had done the same , and you and I can do it so easily , leaving , forgetting , not entering in to the inheritance that is ours in Christ , we do it to our own costs , and so she goes through that I 'm gon na go back , I 'm gon na take up my inheritance , I 'm going back home .
20 Blackness was swirling in and she fought against the need to clutch hold of something .
21 She was dimly aware of Mrs Longhill running in but she brushed past her and flew upstairs to her bedroom .
22 He stumbled up and she clung to him .
23 She stood on the threshold of that world when war broke out and she went to work in a factory ; it began to open up for her when a photographer first spotted her and the camera became her true love .
24 They roll apart and she looks at him with sullen exhaustion , her head still pumping in and out .
25 But of Doreen there was no sign — at least not until they went inside and she emerged from her bedroom , where she had been weeping .
26 Her lips clamped together and she stared at him in horror , unable to believe she 'd really asked him such a question .
27 You wo n't — wo n't — ’ Her voice died away and she slipped into sleep again .
28 Her face lit up and she waved to someone behind Melissa .
29 Maura 's eyes lit up and she skipped across the road to meet him .
30 I know she 's sitting there and she snores with her mouth wide open .
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