Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From Wiggen there is a postbus service to Marbach and Schangnau ( Official Timetable No 460. 50 ) and this also continues along the road which turns off sharply left at Schangnau , leading along the bank of the Emme to Bumbach and Kemmeriboden .
2 Acutely aware of the sensitivities of his players and the pressures they faced , Chapman 's long-standing hatred of barracking from the crowd became even more pronounced at Arsenal .
3 yeah , I 'm tempted to go around now looking at brickwork now
4 After the lunchtime bank robbery , in nearby Highgate , the man had run off initially firing at police officers chasing him on foot .
5 He licks butter and flakes of croissant off his finger , and turns to the Michelin , impatient to get started on actually looking at things .
6 Profits in the first half of this year were as flat as a low-loader — rolling in little changed at £16.8 million .
7 He used to tell me I was going to fail but I did so much work at home it was my best subject .
8 Disenchanted Conservatives did not simply stay at home .
9 Audrey Baker , tutor for the National Marriage Guidance Council ( address on page 153 ) , says that although long-established marriages do not necessarily founder at retirement , many couples make themselves miserable by not communicating .
10 Do not merely stare at facts which you hope to remember , but see if you can devise a memory-jogger by arranging them so that the initials form another word which , perhaps , you associate with some experience in your life .
11 He did n't even look at Shirley either .
12 Brien fitzCount did n't even glance at Isabel .
13 He did n't even glance at Juliet , but began the examination and the questions .
14 ‘ Genesis was n't really a group to start with ; it did n't really exist at Charterhouse .
15 Peter did n't really shine at school .
16 ‘ I do n't even work at Chester 's , but I know a lot of the management are unhappy .
17 They do n't usually come at Christmas now but she 's a real heart of gold and worries about me .
18 Meanwhile I was to be foisted on my reluctant Aunt Harriet , whom I had only previously met at family gatherings .
19 I 've not only waitressed at weddings .
20 But we 've not wilfully put at risk services or jobs by risking capping by going in the opposite direction .
21 Fox carried out much research at East London College and at the laboratory .
22 Gabby , who , with her husband , was preparing to run a guest house and had quite enough to do at home , cooked and brought down to the new house a hearty and beautifully cooked meal each evening , and filthy and exhausted the three of us would wolf it down .
23 We have so far looked at divisions of income and wealth .
24 Although the track behind the station was still used for freight , trains no longer stopped at Carno .
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