Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adj] [pers pn] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 Most of your colleagues will be parents or will know young people ; they will recognise how vital it is for these young people to leave school with relevant knowledge and appropriate skills and attitudes .
2 As Scott later pointed out , he then reversed his usual argument that Gothic did not provide enough light , by explaining how difficult it was for the Speaker to control the sunlight coming through the windows of his house in the Houses of Parliament .
3 I want him to know how futile it is for him to try and escape my influence … "
4 You should know how lonely it is for us . ’
5 No one would know how hard it was for her to act the bride she would never be .
6 Reading or hearing of other pilots ' experiences emphasises how easy it is for even seasoned pilots to make mistakes .
7 A comparison of such different ballets as Enigma Variations , Fancy Free and The Rake 's Progress emphasises how important it is for young choreographers to remember that ballet is an art of the general as well as of the particular .
8 OEEC demonstrated how easy it was for policies of coordination to clash with national wishes and interests .
9 These results show how common it is for small mammals to become trapped in pitfalls , and although there is some selection in species trapped , depending on local circumstances , the degree of bias is less than might be expected .
10 ‘ The figures are a movable feast , but they show how important it is for anonymised prevalence testing to get under way so we can get a true picture of infection in the population . ’
11 We have seen how important it is for the retailer to choose the right place and the right product .
12 Every organization has these unofficial groups , and research has shown how important they are for organizational effectiveness .
13 He could see how hopeless it was for her .
14 We can now see how misleading it was for Singer to claim that Washoe , ‘ now understands about 350 different signs , and is able to use correctly about 150 of them … .
15 On the Monday they showed how easy it was for top-class bowlers to pitch the ball up and get wickets .
16 Pregnancy also posed difficulties to those administering health insurance , and this showed how difficult it was for state welfare policies to treat women as both workers and wives and mothers .
17 But this shows how necessary it is for proud , independent , self-reliant people to be broken , re-educated , and redirected to walk in the ways of the Lord .
18 In fact , Galileo 's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) shows how difficult it was for him to pursue such an argument , even had he wished .
19 The conversion also shows how important it is for the planning authority to be flexible about change of use so the right scheme does not get blocked prematurely .
20 Look how difficult it is for women to get on in the medical or legal profession !
21 At Moss Green , GIST was called in to address the second-year class before they made craft mini-options , to stress how important it was for girls to consider getting a grounding in technology .
22 Which is why I 'm ringing , ’ Rosemary revealed , and confessed , ‘ I have n't let myself face how lonely I was for the sound of his voice .
23 For men under 20 , the job offer arrival rates are at least nine times higher than for men aged 55 and over ( at the mean wage ) , emphasising how difficult it is for older unemployed men to obtain a job .
24 She said this with a certain violence , and Clara 's attention quickened , for she thought she was about to witness the emergence of one of the buried conflicts of which she had heard so much : but Mrs Denham said quickly , " For goodness sake , Clelia , you know how good it is for me to have James around , it takes me back to those lovely days when you were all so small and docile . "
25 We all know how difficult it is for scientists to obtain their due recognition .
26 You know how difficult it is for two women to live together , especially if they 're mother and daughter .
27 We all know how difficult it is for members of the security forces and their families , and we should now be aware that they are at risk all the time .
28 Unfortunately many employees also know how difficult it is for us to stop them simply imposing changes without agreement from the people that are affected .
29 I 've got a sale to go to at nine , and you know how difficult it is for me to get back to sleep once I 've been woken . ’
30 We all know how vital it is for good health .
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