Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adj] [be] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What seemed most real was that Heby would have a new father — someone who was there , instead of a remote figure several days ' sail upriver .
2 Wait how long 's this stint of night duty ?
3 What I find so extraordinary is that Opposition Members are so keen to place with trade unions abroad so much of the authority on labour law matters that resides in this House .
4 From now until the catastrophe of 1870 the Emperor 's foreign policy was to be one of expedients and compromises , all of which only served to demean him in the eyes of Europe , while simultaneously underlining how feeble was any form of ‘ court diplomacy ’ faced with the reality of Bismarck 's ‘ blood and iron ’ tactics .
5 Even though the rhythms in performance measured by the tests and ‘ real ’ tasks are similar ( compare figs. 5.1 and 5.5 ) , it is reasonable to ask how relevant are these tests to the ‘ on site ’ situation ?
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