Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] what [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She would explain the nature of her interest , so awakening in him a wish to know more about what goes on outside Masailand and also opening his eyes to the fact that the white folk see the Masai as childlike .
2 The security men at the Tower Theater are trying to bone up on what to expect later on .
3 So it looks as if er nature has kind of erm struck a bargain in this respect , that each parent can contribute exactly half , but I think it 's , we 're only just beginning to find out about what happens then and my guess is about internal conflict between genes because I strongly suspect that there must be a lot of that going on because , as I think you 've rightly seen , if we take this view of evolution as selecting for individual genes , then we would expect conflict even within the gender .
4 Furthermore one may remark on the fact that that which is considered ‘ feminine ’ , which the male also now takes on , corresponds simply to what have traditionally been women 's tasks ( nurturing and caring ) .
5 ‘ They were concerned I would do something gruesome or speak critically about what went on in the ward . ’
6 Also , the local MP has taken it upon himself to look personally into what goes on in this prison . ’
7 Its three tall windows gave a view of the stone terrace and the double flight of steps going down to what had once been a lawn and formal gardens , but which was now a half-acre of neglected grass , bounded to the west by the brick annexe of the Vehicle Examination Department , and to the east by the old stable block , now converted into garages .
8 In order to understand the effect that financial delegation is likely to have on schools , in terms of school management and the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom , it is helpful to look briefly at what has already happened elsewhere .
9 As we arrive at the end of the year it is , perhaps , a time to look back at what has been achieved and to look forward to what lies ahead .
10 Therefore Schaffner was forced to take the unusual step of shooting it mostly in sequence , getting on with what had already been written .
11 In almost every case ( Leopold in Tuscany is perhaps the one real exception ) the new façade of fashionable ideology clothed policies which followed naturally from what had already been attempted by relatively unenlightened predecessors .
12 ‘ I mean , I do try to think about what to do ; I do n't like to fall back on what comes automatically .
13 They clapped , danced and sang along to what has now become their anthem , Fleetwood Mac 's Do n't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow .
14 Campbell has no apologies about seeking to keep non-Indians from cashing in on what has now become an international mania for Indian objects .
15 She lowered her hands and gripped the rail of the hog pen , her eyes small but fixed unblinkingly on what lay ahead .
16 I ca n't realy add much to what has already been said except that I saw the goals on Manc of the day and thought theirs were all sloppy and avoidable .
17 Subsequent discrimination training thus occurs between the compound of A and its associate X and of B and its associate Y. If the events used as X and Y differ from each other more than do A and B ( see Fig. 5.10(b) ) then it might be supposed that the compounds would be discriminated more readily than would an untrained A and B. Certainly most proponents of an associative account for acquired distinctiveness effects have taken their analysis no further , implying that the phenomenon follows directly from what has just been said .
18 She spoke charitably of what happened so long ago but her attitude was to grow colder as the evening wore on .
19 The door led upstairs to what had once been the stableman 's rooms , and which now housed Ben .
20 Her gaze fixed on her adversary , she had backed straight into what felt rather like a human version of the Great Wall of China .
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