Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The first essentials for any cloud flying in large cumulus are that the glider must be properly equipped for serious flying , and the pilot must be competent and experienced enough at instrument flying to be able to regain control from any attitude without having to use the airbrakes .
2 I shall simply say that Lord Hailsham 's ‘ little ewe lamb ’ has not in practice proved to be the liberalising measure which he had hoped .
3 Why not give it a try ? ct If you 'd like to know more about nutrition write to Healthy Balance Nutrition Advisory Service
4 Both cars are supported in proper metal slings , and while a safety gear is provided under each , this is not connected up for operation owing to the small size of the model .
5 Sighvat was in Olaf 's service at the time , and his Vestrfararvísur ( Western Travel Verses ) name Earl Hakon , son of Earl Eric of Lade , as acting with Cnut , and speak repeatedly of money offered to Olaf 's men , while the Tøgdrápa of Thorarin Praise-Tongue , who apparently sailed with Cnut 's fleet , indicates that he went first to Denmark to assemble his ships in the Limfjord in Jutland , and then proceeded north along the Norwegian coast to Trondheim .
6 ‘ Since old Josh 's time it 's been used as a holiday retreat by various Proberts down the years , ’ he added , ‘ with some of the land let out for summer grazing to mainland farmers . ’
7 Erm I wonder how substantially it 's going to re-written , first , in order to make it a response rather than an issue raising paper and ah , secondly , in the light of what we 've all had to say this evening and , if it is to be re-written I wonder erm who is going to actually see it and approve it before it goes off in time to get to the health authority by the day after tomorrow ?
8 At present rubies vary greatly in esteem according to their colour and source .
9 When various media types and units are being used , particularly if primary and secondary media items have been forced to different media types , a unit which is only able to handle secondary items will attempt to do so in order to contribute to the workload .
10 Already , manufacturing operations at some of its plants — including some in North America — were being phased out with production switching to other plants as part of the rationalisation process .
11 He also called for those hit hardest by VAT rises to be compensated , urged that the wealthy be called on to pay more and warned Chancellor Norman Lamont against aiming at a general tax level of 20p , saying it was ‘ not manageable ’ .
12 He also called for those hit hardest by VAT rises to be compensated , urged the wealthy be called on to pay more and warned Chancellor Norman Lamont against aiming at a general tax level of 20p , saying it was ‘ not manageable ’ .
13 Now retired she enjoys ‘ having all of life to use to whatever purpose I choose ’ — and one of her choices is voluntary work among relatives of people suffering dementing illness .
14 As we made our way through 1944 the advancing Allied forces were able to give us more room — by that I mean there was more Allied occupied ( and therefore less hostile ) territory for us to fly over in order to get to our targets .
15 Everything you 've found out for acceleration applies to gravity as well . ’
16 At dawn one spring morning a heavily loaded freight train , headed by a pre-war 2 — 8 — 0 locomotive , was running out of steam owing to a badly clinkered fire-bed as it approached Brook End signal box .
17 If you 're a club secretary and if you have n't received your invitation you are running out of time to write to Aquachamp Contest , note address omitted
18 The deeper I get into this the more difficult it becomes , but I know I need to delve deep in order to get to grips with what lies underneath .
19 ‘ And in addition to those rewards , Brunt , we know that anyone coming forward with information leading to the apprehension or termination of Jessamyn Bonney will be entitled to one hundred thousand dollars ’ worth of bio-improvements supervised by Dr Zarathustra himself , a duplex apartment in the PZ of your choice , a fully-guaranteed and pirate-protected Caribbean cruise , this complete household computer hook-up and two thousand hours net-time on the interface of your choice , one of our new range of Venus-Adonis model companions , and a further one hundred thousand dollars in the currency or negotiable bond of your choice .
20 It noted that ‘ these duties so very necessary for the life of the Church can in many areas be fulfilled only with difficulty according to the prevailing discipline of the Latin Church ’ .
21 The usual sequence of reading aloud in order to progress to silent reading is in this case reversed — children select and prepare , as a result of silent reading , to read aloud to others .
22 Sandy coloured and varying greatly in shade according to the dominant colour of its normal habitat ; has some dark but no white feathers in tail .
23 On most lithologies landforms related directly to weathering tend to be minor features , but on rock types such as limestones , in which a large proportion of the products of chemical weathering processes are removed in solution , major landforms can be produced .
24 Teams went out in advance to adapt to the special conditions .
25 Bitch CC and Reserve Best in Show went to Phillsburgh Ebony , who was owned by Owen Munroe .
26 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
27 Lord Bridge did not in fact refer to section 6(1) of the Act of 1977 which was the precursor to section 69(1) , but I accept that he must be assumed to have had it in mind .
28 This did not in practice apply to landless labourers or peasants with very little land , a large and growing element in the rural population ; but if it had been put into effect it would none the less have been the most sweeping social legislation seen anywhere in old regime Europe .
29 Prisoners who do not of necessity have to be detained for the protection of the public are in some cases more likely to be made into decent citizens if , before completing the whole of their sentence , they are released under supervision with a liability to recall if they do not behave .
30 Given the provisions of s 6 of the UCTA and the way in which SGSA , s 17 has dealt with the warranties of title and quiet possession to be implied into other contracts under which property in goods is transferred , there do not in practice seem to be left any other types of contract under which property in goods can be transferred .
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