Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] she [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He could only wait patiently for her to draw closer once more .
2 I says , oh well I better wait here for her coming back , cos I 'll probably pass her on t' way .
3 ‘ It 's all right , ’ he said , looking down at her bent back .
4 She was not looking forward to her coming out as an Italian girl , but she was determined not to let herself get married early .
5 No , she just turned away from her did n't
6 Nellie looked along the turning to the Galloway firm 's gates , a hard look in her eye as the bitter memories locked up inside her stirred once more .
7 His look as he glanced across at her resembled so much that of a shamefaced small boy that she found it hard to control a smile .
8 The bar was hot and the small , stuffed animals with beady eyes staring down at her seemed especially repulsive .
9 It did n't take long for her to work out how she 'd earned the title .
10 Even so , Artemis had no time to relax or to shout at whoever it was still charging up beside her to slow down because the hill was beginning to flatten out into the dip and they were fast approaching the big open ditch .
11 Mary-Lou could n't speak , the sight of the enormous spider apparently running straight at her had completely undone her .
12 Yeah she had it brought back for her did n't she ?
13 Her father called twice for her to come down and answer it , but Ellie pretended not to hear .
14 Then she lay down on her sunbed again , leaving white streaks of suncream on the young man 's back .
15 At the sight of his big-nosed face slanted across the screen , like a pale and captious parrot , the poet detested his sufficiency and looked across at her to ward off its effect .
16 He moved swiftly , opening the door to the corridor and standing back for her to go through .
17 He waited politely for her to go away , his eyes on his ship .
18 ‘ The one you 've just done in Cheltenham ? ’ she asked , catching Cara 's excitement as she waited expectantly for her to go on with more details .
19 The city spread out below her looked so calm , almost as calm as she had felt such a little time before .
20 The shaking hand he held out to her felt as dry and brittle as rice-paper .
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